ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI-Addoor > 🌻 Image Indexer

ComfyUI Node: 🌻 Image Indexer

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🌻 Addoor/Batch
ADDOOR (Account age: 2884days)
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How to Install ComfyUI-Addoor

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI-Addoor
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-Addoor in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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🌻 Image Indexer Description

Efficiently manage and index image collections for structured navigation and batch processing tasks with flexibility and filtering capabilities.

🌻 Image Indexer:

The AD_ImageIndexer node is designed to efficiently manage and index a collection of images, allowing you to navigate through them in a structured manner. This node is particularly useful for batch processing tasks where you need to systematically access images either sequentially or randomly. By leveraging an increment value and a seed for randomization, it provides flexibility in how images are selected, making it ideal for scenarios where you need to iterate over images with specific patterns or randomness. Additionally, it can handle optional image names and indexes, offering a comprehensive solution for organizing and accessing image data. The node also includes a mechanism to filter out unwanted system files, ensuring that only relevant images are processed.

🌻 Image Indexer Input Parameters:


This parameter accepts a list of images that you want to index. It is the primary input for the node, and the node will operate on this collection to select and return images based on the specified increment and seed values.


The increment parameter determines the step size for selecting images from the list. It is an integer value with a default of 1, a minimum of 0, and a maximum of 1000. An increment of 0 will trigger random selection based on the seed, while a positive increment will select images in a sequential manner.


The seed parameter is used to initialize the random number generator when the increment is set to 0. It is an integer with a default value of 0 and can range up to 0xffffffffffffffff. This parameter ensures that the random selection of images is reproducible, allowing for consistent results across different runs.


This optional parameter is a list of strings representing the names of the images. If provided, these names will be used to identify the images in the output. If not provided, the node will generate default names based on the image index.


The index parameter is an optional integer that specifies the starting point for image selection. It has a default value of 0, with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 0xffffffffffffffff. This parameter allows you to start indexing from a specific image, with 0 or 1 both referring to the first image in the list.

🌻 Image Indexer Output Parameters:


This output is the selected image from the input list based on the current index and increment settings. It represents the actual image data that you can use for further processing or analysis.


The image_name output provides the name of the selected image. If the image_names parameter was provided, this will be the corresponding name; otherwise, it will be a default name generated by the node.


This output indicates the current index of the selected image within the list. It helps track the position of the image in the sequence, which is useful for understanding the order of processing.


The total_images output gives the total number of images in the input list. This information is useful for understanding the scope of the dataset and for planning further processing steps.

🌻 Image Indexer Usage Tips:

  • To ensure consistent random selection of images, use a fixed seed value when the increment is set to 0.
  • Utilize the index parameter to resume processing from a specific point in the image list, which is helpful for large datasets.

🌻 Image Indexer Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid image input

  • Explanation: The images parameter is not provided as a list.
  • Solution: Ensure that the images input is a list, even if it contains only one image.

Invalid increment or seed value

  • Explanation: The increment or seed is not an integer.
  • Solution: Verify that both increment and seed are provided as integers, and convert them if necessary.

Index out of range

  • Explanation: The specified index is greater than the number of images.
  • Solution: Check that the index value is within the range of the total number of images in the list. Adjust the index accordingly.

🌻 Image Indexer Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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