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ComfyUI Node: MuseVRunVid2Vid

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chaojie (Account age: 4831 days)
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How to Install ComfyUI-MuseV

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI-MuseV
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-MuseV in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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MuseVRunVid2Vid Description

Transform static images and text into dynamic videos using advanced AI for high-quality content creation.


MuseVRunVid2Vid is a powerful node designed to transform a reference image and a prompt into a video sequence, leveraging advanced AI techniques. This node is particularly useful for AI artists looking to create high-quality, dynamic video content from static images and textual descriptions. By utilizing sophisticated models and algorithms, MuseVRunVid2Vid can generate videos that exhibit smooth transitions and realistic animations, making it an essential tool for creative projects that require video synthesis from minimal input data. The node's primary goal is to simplify the video creation process while maintaining high visual fidelity and coherence, allowing you to focus on the artistic aspects of your work.

MuseVRunVid2Vid Input Parameters:


The reference image serves as the starting point for the video generation process. It provides the visual context and initial frame from which the video will be developed. This parameter is crucial as it sets the visual tone and style for the entire video sequence.


The prompt is a textual description that guides the video generation process. It allows you to specify the desired content and actions within the video, such as character movements or scene changes. The default value is "(masterpiece, best quality, highres:1),(1girl, solo:1),(beautiful face, soft skin, costume:1),(eye blinks:1.8),(head wave:1.3)", which can be customized to fit your specific needs.


This parameter specifies the path to the video file that will be used as a reference or template for the generated video. It is essential for defining the structure and flow of the output video.


The image edge ratio determines the aspect ratio of the generated video frames. The default value is 1.0, which maintains the original aspect ratio of the reference image. Adjusting this value can help fit the video to different display formats.


This parameter defines the length of the generated video in seconds. The default value is 12, but it can be adjusted to create shorter or longer videos as needed.


The seed value is used for random number generation, ensuring reproducibility of the video generation process. The default value is 1234, but you can change it to produce different variations of the video.


The width parameter specifies the width of the generated video frames in pixels. The default value is 563, which can be adjusted to match your desired output resolution.


The height parameter specifies the height of the generated video frames in pixels. The default value is 714, which can be adjusted to match your desired output resolution.


This parameter determines the number of steps taken during the initial redraw phase of the video generation process. The default value is 30, which affects the level of detail and refinement in the initial frames.


The video steps parameter defines the number of steps taken during the video generation process. The default value is 10, which influences the smoothness and quality of the video transitions.


This parameter controls the guidance scale during the initial redraw phase. The default value is 7.5, which affects the adherence to the prompt and reference image.


The video guidance scale parameter controls the guidance scale during the video generation process. The default value is 3.5, which influences the overall coherence and quality of the video.


This parameter allows you to select the specific model used for video generation. The available options are "majicmixRealv6Fp16" and "fantasticmix_v10", with the default being "majicmixRealv6Fp16".


The uselcm parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether to use a specific technique or model during the video generation process. The default value is False.

MuseVRunVid2Vid Output Parameters:


The output of the MuseVRunVid2Vid node is a sequence of images that form the generated video. These images are returned as a tensor, which can be further processed or saved as a video file. The output is crucial for visualizing the results of the video generation process and can be used in various creative projects.

MuseVRunVid2Vid Usage Tips:

  • Experiment with different prompts to achieve various artistic effects and animations in your videos.
  • Adjust the video_len parameter to create videos of different durations, depending on your project's requirements.
  • Use the seed parameter to generate multiple variations of the same video, allowing you to choose the best version for your needs.
  • Fine-tune the first_redraw_steps and video_steps parameters to balance between video quality and generation time.

MuseVRunVid2Vid Common Errors and Solutions:

"Invalid reference image format"

  • Explanation: The provided reference image is not in a supported format.
  • Solution: Ensure that the reference image is in a standard format such as JPEG or PNG.

"Prompt parsing error"

  • Explanation: The prompt contains syntax errors or unsupported characters.
  • Solution: Review the prompt for any mistakes and ensure it follows the expected format.

"Video path not found"

  • Explanation: The specified video path does not exist or is incorrect.
  • Solution: Verify the video path and ensure the file exists at the specified location.

"Model loading failure"

  • Explanation: The selected model could not be loaded.
  • Solution: Check if the model name is correct and ensure the model files are available in the expected directory.

"Insufficient memory"

  • Explanation: The system does not have enough memory to complete the video generation process.
  • Solution: Reduce the resolution or length of the video, or try running the process on a system with more memory.

MuseVRunVid2Vid Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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