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ComfyUI Node: 📷LoRALoader

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ZHO-ZHO-ZHO (Account age: 340 days)
ComfyUI PhotoMaker (ZHO)
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How to Install ComfyUI PhotoMaker (ZHO)

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI PhotoMaker (ZHO)
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI PhotoMaker (ZHO) in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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📷LoRALoader Description

Enhance AI art models with LoRA parameters for improved image generation control.


The LoRALoader node is designed to load and apply LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) models to both the main model and the CLIP model in your AI art generation workflow. This node allows you to enhance and fine-tune your models by integrating additional learned parameters from LoRA files, which can significantly improve the quality and specificity of generated images. By adjusting the strength of the LoRA application, you can control the influence of the LoRA model on your main model and CLIP model, providing a flexible and powerful tool for AI artists to achieve desired artistic effects.

📷LoRALoader Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the main model to which the LoRA will be applied. It is essential for the node to function as it provides the base model that will be enhanced by the LoRA.


This parameter represents the CLIP model to which the LoRA will be applied. The CLIP model is used for text-to-image generation and other tasks, and applying LoRA to it can improve its performance and output quality.


This parameter specifies the name of the LoRA file to be loaded. The LoRA file contains the additional learned parameters that will be applied to the main model and the CLIP model. The available options are dynamically generated from the list of LoRA files in the specified directory.


This parameter controls the strength of the LoRA application to the main model. It is a float value with a default of 1.0, a minimum of -100.0, and a maximum of 100.0. Adjusting this value allows you to fine-tune the influence of the LoRA on the main model, with higher values increasing the effect and lower values decreasing it.


This parameter controls the strength of the LoRA application to the CLIP model. Similar to strength_model, it is a float value with a default of 1.0, a minimum of -100.0, and a maximum of 100.0. This parameter allows you to adjust the influence of the LoRA on the CLIP model, providing flexibility in how the LoRA affects the text-to-image generation process.

📷LoRALoader Output Parameters:


This output represents the main model after the LoRA has been applied. It reflects the enhanced model with the additional learned parameters from the LoRA file, which can improve the quality and specificity of the generated images.


This output represents the CLIP model after the LoRA has been applied. The enhanced CLIP model can provide better text-to-image generation results, incorporating the additional learned parameters from the LoRA file.

📷LoRALoader Usage Tips:

  • To achieve subtle enhancements, start with lower values for strength_model and strength_clip and gradually increase them until you reach the desired effect.
  • Use different LoRA files for various artistic styles or specific improvements, and experiment with their strengths to find the best combination for your project.

📷LoRALoader Common Errors and Solutions:

"LoRA file not found"

  • Explanation: The specified LoRA file could not be located in the directory.
  • Solution: Ensure that the lora_name parameter is correctly set to an existing LoRA file name in the specified directory.

"Invalid strength value"

  • Explanation: The strength_model or strength_clip parameter is set to a value outside the allowed range.
  • Solution: Adjust the strength_model and strength_clip parameters to be within the range of -100.0 to 100.0.

"Failed to load LoRA file"

  • Explanation: There was an issue loading the LoRA file, possibly due to file corruption or incompatible format.
  • Solution: Verify the integrity and format of the LoRA file, and try reloading it. If the problem persists, consider using a different LoRA file.

📷LoRALoader Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
ComfyUI PhotoMaker (ZHO)

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