ComfyUI > Nodes > RES4LYF > Sigmas Add

ComfyUI Node: Sigmas Add

Class Name

Sigmas Add

ClownsharkBatwing (Account age: 287days)
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How to Install RES4LYF

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for RES4LYF
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter RES4LYF in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Sigmas Add Description

Perform mathematical operation on sigma values by adding a constant addend for adjusting parameters in AI and machine learning workflows.

Sigmas Add:

The Sigmas Add node is designed to perform a simple yet powerful mathematical operation on a set of sigma values, which are often used in AI and machine learning contexts to represent certain parameters or weights. This node allows you to add a constant value, known as the addend, to each element within the sigma set. This operation can be particularly useful when you need to adjust or calibrate the sigma values for specific tasks, such as fine-tuning models or modifying the behavior of algorithms. By providing a straightforward method to increment sigma values, the Sigmas Add node enhances flexibility and control over your data processing workflows, making it an essential tool for AI artists looking to experiment with different configurations and achieve desired outcomes.

Sigmas Add Input Parameters:


The sigmas parameter represents the set of sigma values that you wish to modify. These values are crucial in various AI processes, often influencing the behavior and performance of models. The sigmas parameter is required and must be provided as input to the node. It is important to ensure that the sigma values are correctly formatted and relevant to the task at hand, as they will directly impact the results of the addition operation.


The addend parameter is a floating-point number that specifies the constant value to be added to each element in the sigmas set. This parameter allows you to uniformly increase or decrease the sigma values, providing a means to adjust their influence or significance in subsequent processes. The addend has a default value of 1 and can range from -1000 to 1000, with a step size of 0.01. This flexibility enables precise control over the adjustment, allowing you to fine-tune the sigma values to meet specific requirements or achieve desired effects.

Sigmas Add Output Parameters:


The output of the Sigmas Add node is a modified set of sigma values, denoted as SIGMAS. This output reflects the result of adding the specified addend to each element in the original sigmas set. The adjusted sigma values can then be used in further processing steps, influencing the behavior and outcomes of AI models or algorithms. By providing a straightforward way to alter sigma values, the output of this node plays a crucial role in enabling experimentation and customization within AI workflows.

Sigmas Add Usage Tips:

  • To achieve subtle adjustments in your sigma values, consider using small increments for the addend parameter, allowing for fine-tuning without drastic changes.
  • When working with a large range of sigma values, ensure that the addend is appropriately scaled to avoid unintended effects on the overall data distribution.

Sigmas Add Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid input type for sigmas

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the input provided for the sigmas parameter is not of the expected type.
  • Solution: Ensure that the sigmas input is correctly formatted and compatible with the node's requirements, typically as a set of numerical values.

addend value out of range

  • Explanation: This error arises when the addend parameter is set to a value outside the permissible range of -1000 to 1000.
  • Solution: Adjust the addend value to fall within the specified range, ensuring it is appropriate for the intended modification of the sigma values.

Sigmas Add Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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