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ComfyUI Node: EasyKSampler (Full)

Class Name

easy fullkSampler

yolain (Account age: 1341 days)
ComfyUI Easy Use
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  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI Easy Use in the search bar
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EasyKSampler (Full) Description

Versatile node for AI art generation using advanced k-sampling techniques for high-quality image refinement.

EasyKSampler (Full):

The easy fullkSampler, also known as EasyKSampler (Full), is a versatile and user-friendly node designed to facilitate the sampling process in AI art generation. This node leverages advanced k-sampling techniques to produce high-quality images by iteratively refining the latent space representations. The primary goal of the easy fullkSampler is to provide a comprehensive and efficient sampling method that can handle various artistic styles and complexities. It is particularly beneficial for users who seek to achieve detailed and nuanced outputs without delving into the technical intricacies of the sampling algorithms. By using this node, you can expect smoother transitions, better noise handling, and overall improved image quality.

EasyKSampler (Full) Input Parameters:


This parameter specifies the AI model to be used for the sampling process. The model defines the underlying architecture and learned weights that guide the image generation. Choosing the right model is crucial as it directly impacts the style and quality of the output.


The seed parameter is a numerical value that initializes the random number generator used in the sampling process. It ensures reproducibility of the results. By setting a specific seed, you can generate the same image multiple times. The default value is typically 0, but you can set it to any integer.


This parameter determines the number of sampling steps to be performed. More steps generally lead to higher quality images but also increase the computation time. The minimum value is 1, and there is no strict maximum, but practical limits depend on your hardware capabilities. A common default value is 50.


The cfg (Classifier-Free Guidance) scale controls the strength of the guidance applied during sampling. Higher values result in images that more closely follow the provided prompts, while lower values allow for more creative freedom. Typical values range from 1 to 20, with a default around 7.


This parameter specifies the name of the sampling algorithm to be used. Different samplers can produce varying results, and the choice of sampler can affect the style and quality of the output. Common options include "Euler", "LMS", and "DPM".


The scheduler parameter defines the scheduling strategy for the sampling steps. It influences how the noise is reduced over the iterations. Options include "BasicScheduler", "KarrasScheduler", and "ExponentialScheduler".


This parameter contains the positive prompts or conditions that guide the image generation towards desired features. It is typically a string or a list of strings describing the elements you want to include in the image.


The negative parameter contains the negative prompts or conditions that guide the image generation away from undesired features. It helps in refining the output by excluding certain elements. It is typically a string or a list of strings.


The latent parameter represents the initial latent space representation of the image. It is a multi-dimensional array that serves as the starting point for the sampling process. This parameter is usually generated by a preceding node in the pipeline.


The denoise parameter controls the amount of noise reduction applied during the sampling process. A value of 1.0 means full denoising, while lower values retain more noise. The default value is 1.0.


This boolean parameter, when set to true, disables the addition of noise during the sampling process. It is useful for generating cleaner images. The default value is false.


The start_step parameter specifies the initial step from which the sampling process should begin. It allows for partial sampling or resuming from a specific point. The default value is 0.


The last_step parameter specifies the final step at which the sampling process should stop. It allows for early termination of the sampling process. The default value is the total number of steps.


This boolean parameter, when set to true, forces the node to apply full denoising at the final step, regardless of the denoise parameter. The default value is false.


This boolean parameter, when set to true, enables the preview of the latent space representation during the sampling process. It helps in monitoring the progress. The default value is true.


This boolean parameter, when set to true, disables the progress bar during the sampling process. It is useful for reducing visual clutter in the interface. The default value is false.

EasyKSampler (Full) Output Parameters:


The sampled_image parameter is the final output of the node, representing the generated image after the sampling process. It is a high-quality image that reflects the input parameters and prompts provided.


The latent_representation parameter is the final latent space representation after the sampling process. It can be used for further processing or as an input to other nodes in the pipeline.

EasyKSampler (Full) Usage Tips:

  • Experiment with different seed values to explore a variety of image outputs from the same prompts.
  • Adjust the cfg scale to balance between adherence to prompts and creative freedom.
  • Use the preview_latent parameter to monitor the progress and make adjustments if necessary.
  • Try different samplers and schedulers to find the combination that best suits your artistic style.

EasyKSampler (Full) Common Errors and Solutions:

"Model not found"

  • Explanation: The specified model is not available or incorrectly referenced.
  • Solution: Ensure that the model name is correct and that the model is properly loaded in the environment.

"Invalid seed value"

  • Explanation: The seed parameter is not a valid integer.
  • Solution: Provide a valid integer value for the seed parameter.

"Steps out of range"

  • Explanation: The number of steps specified is either too low or too high for the system to handle.
  • Solution: Adjust the steps parameter to a reasonable value based on your hardware capabilities.

"CFG scale too high"

  • Explanation: The cfg scale value is excessively high, leading to overfitting to the prompts.
  • Solution: Reduce the cfg scale to a more moderate value, typically between 1 and 20.

"Latent space dimension mismatch"

  • Explanation: The latent parameter does not match the expected dimensions for the model.
  • Solution: Ensure that the latent space representation is correctly generated and matches the model's requirements.

EasyKSampler (Full) Related Nodes

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ComfyUI Easy Use

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