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ComfyUI Node: Portrait Master

Class Name

easy portraitMaster

yolain (Account age: 1341 days)
ComfyUI Easy Use
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How to Install ComfyUI Easy Use

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI Easy Use
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI Easy Use in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Portrait Master Description

Enhance portrait images with detailed prompts for AI model to create professional, photorealistic outputs.

Portrait Master:

The easy portraitMaster node is designed to enhance and refine portrait images by generating detailed prompts that guide the AI model in creating high-quality, photorealistic outputs. This node focuses on improving various facial features and lighting conditions to achieve a professional and balanced photo. It allows you to specify details such as eye and iris characteristics, facial symmetry, and lighting types, which are then incorporated into the prompt for the AI model. The node also includes options for photorealism improvement, ensuring that the final image has a professional look with balanced exposure and film grain effects. By using this node, you can achieve more precise and aesthetically pleasing portrait images with minimal effort.

Portrait Master Input Parameters:


This parameter specifies the AI model to be used for generating the portrait. It is essential for defining the base capabilities and style of the output image. The model parameter ensures that the node uses the correct AI model to process the input image and generate the desired enhancements.


This parameter represents the input image that you want to enhance. It is the base image upon which all the specified enhancements and refinements will be applied. The image parameter is crucial as it provides the initial visual data for the AI model to work with.


This parameter allows you to choose from predefined settings that optimize the node for specific types of portrait enhancements. Options include presets like "FACEID PLUS V2" and "FACEID PORTRAIT (style transfer)," which tailor the node's behavior to achieve the best results for different portrait styles.


This parameter is used to input positive prompts that guide the AI model towards desired features and enhancements in the portrait. Positive prompts help in emphasizing specific characteristics or styles that you want to highlight in the final image.


This parameter is used to input negative prompts that guide the AI model away from undesired features or styles. Negative prompts help in avoiding specific characteristics that you do not want to appear in the final image.


This parameter represents the mask to be applied to the input image, defining the areas where the enhancements should be focused. The mask helps in selectively applying the refinements to specific parts of the image, ensuring precise control over the enhancement process.


This parameter specifies the type of lighting to be applied to the portrait. It allows you to choose from different lighting styles to achieve the desired visual effect. The light_type parameter is important for setting the overall mood and tone of the portrait.


This parameter defines the direction of the lighting applied to the portrait. It helps in creating realistic lighting effects by simulating the direction from which the light source is coming. The light_direction parameter is crucial for achieving natural-looking lighting in the final image.


This parameter controls the intensity of the lighting applied to the portrait. It allows you to adjust the strength of the light to achieve the desired level of brightness and contrast. The light_weight parameter is important for fine-tuning the lighting effects to match your artistic vision.


This parameter enables or disables the photorealism improvement feature. When enabled, it adds specific prompts to enhance the photorealistic quality of the portrait, ensuring a professional and balanced photo with film grain effects. The photorealism_improvement parameter is essential for achieving high-quality, realistic portraits.

Portrait Master Output Parameters:


This output parameter provides the generated prompt that incorporates all the specified enhancements and refinements. The prompt guides the AI model in creating the final portrait image with the desired features and styles. It is a crucial component for achieving the intended visual effects.


This output parameter provides the generated negative prompt that helps in avoiding undesired features or styles in the final portrait image. The negative_prompt works in conjunction with the positive prompt to ensure that the AI model produces the best possible results.

Portrait Master Usage Tips:

  • Experiment with different presets to find the one that best suits your desired portrait style.
  • Use positive and negative prompts to fine-tune the specific features and characteristics you want to emphasize or avoid in the final image.
  • Adjust the light_type, light_direction, and light_weight parameters to achieve realistic and visually appealing lighting effects.
  • Enable the photorealism_improvement feature to enhance the overall quality and realism of the portrait.

Portrait Master Common Errors and Solutions:

"Model not found in ALL_NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the specified model is not available in the node's class mappings.
  • Solution: Ensure that the correct model name is provided and that it is included in the ALL_NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS. Update the node or install the required model if necessary.

"BrushNetLoader not found, please install ComfyUI-BrushNet"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the BrushNetLoader class is not available, indicating that the ComfyUI-BrushNet package is not installed.
  • Solution: Install the ComfyUI-BrushNet package to ensure that the BrushNetLoader class is available for use.

"Differential Diffusion not found, please update comfyui"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the Differential Diffusion class is not available, indicating that the ComfyUI package is outdated.
  • Solution: Update the ComfyUI package to the latest version to ensure that the Differential Diffusion class is available for use.

Portrait Master Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
ComfyUI Easy Use

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