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ComfyUI Node: Image Pad For Outpaint Masked

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kijai (Account age: 2192 days)
KJNodes for ComfyUI
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How to Install KJNodes for ComfyUI

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  KJNodes for ComfyUI
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter KJNodes for ComfyUI in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Image Pad For Outpaint Masked Description

Facilitates outpainting by adding padding based on a mask for seamless image extension and blending.

Image Pad For Outpaint Masked:

The ImagePadForOutpaintMasked node is designed to facilitate the outpainting process by adding padding to an image based on a specified mask. This node is particularly useful for AI artists who want to extend the boundaries of an image while maintaining the integrity of the original content. By leveraging a mask, the node ensures that the padding is applied in a controlled manner, allowing for seamless blending and extension of the image. The primary goal of this node is to provide a smooth and efficient way to prepare images for outpainting, making it easier to create larger compositions without losing important details.

Image Pad For Outpaint Masked Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the input image that you want to pad for outpainting. The image should be in a format that the node can process, typically a PIL image or a similar format. The quality and resolution of the input image will directly impact the final output.


The mask parameter is a crucial input that defines the areas of the image where padding should be applied. The mask should be a binary or grayscale image where the white areas (or higher intensity values) indicate the regions to be padded. This allows for precise control over the padding process, ensuring that only the desired parts of the image are extended.


This parameter specifies the desired width of the output image after padding. The node will calculate the necessary padding to achieve this width, ensuring that the final image dimensions match the specified target.


Similar to the target_width, this parameter defines the desired height of the output image after padding. The node will adjust the padding accordingly to meet this height requirement.


Feathering is an optional parameter that controls the smoothness of the transition between the original image and the padded areas. A higher feathering value will result in a more gradual blend, reducing harsh edges and creating a more natural extension.

Image Pad For Outpaint Masked Output Parameters:


The primary output of the node is the padded image, which includes the original content along with the newly added padding. This image is ready for further processing or outpainting, with the dimensions adjusted to match the specified target width and height.

Image Pad For Outpaint Masked Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that your mask accurately represents the areas where you want padding to be applied. A well-defined mask will result in a more controlled and aesthetically pleasing extension.
  • Experiment with the feathering parameter to achieve the desired level of blending between the original image and the padded areas. This can help in creating a seamless transition.
  • Use high-resolution images as input to maintain the quality of the final output, especially if you plan to significantly increase the image dimensions.

Image Pad For Outpaint Masked Common Errors and Solutions:

"Invalid image format"

  • Explanation: The input image is not in a supported format.
  • Solution: Ensure that the input image is in a compatible format, such as a PIL image.

"Mask dimensions do not match image dimensions"

  • Explanation: The dimensions of the mask do not match those of the input image.
  • Solution: Resize the mask to match the dimensions of the input image before using it with the node.

"Target dimensions are smaller than the original image"

  • Explanation: The specified target width or height is smaller than the dimensions of the original image.
  • Solution: Ensure that the target width and height are greater than or equal to the dimensions of the original image.

Image Pad For Outpaint Masked Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
KJNodes for ComfyUI

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