ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI-iTools > iTools Prompt Styler 🖌️

ComfyUI Node: iTools Prompt Styler 🖌️

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MohammadAboulEla (Account age: 1284days)
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How to Install ComfyUI-iTools

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI-iTools
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-iTools in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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iTools Prompt Styler 🖌️ Description

Streamline prompt creation with predefined templates for AI art generation tasks.

iTools Prompt Styler 🖌️:

The iToolsPromptStyler is a versatile node designed to streamline the process of crafting prompts by utilizing predefined templates stored in YAML files. This node is particularly beneficial for AI artists who wish to quickly generate structured prompts without manually constructing them from scratch. By leveraging the power of templates, it allows you to focus more on the creative aspects of your work rather than the technical details of prompt formulation. The node's primary function is to take your input text and seamlessly integrate it with a chosen template, producing both positive and negative prompts that can be used in various AI art generation tasks. This capability not only saves time but also ensures consistency and coherence in the prompts you create.

iTools Prompt Styler 🖌️ Input Parameters:


This parameter accepts a string input that represents the positive aspects or elements you want to emphasize in your prompt. It supports multiline input, allowing you to provide detailed descriptions or multiple lines of text. The default value is an empty string, and there are no specific minimum or maximum values, as it depends on the content you wish to include.


This parameter is a string input for specifying the negative aspects or elements you want to avoid or de-emphasize in your prompt. Unlike text_positive, this parameter does not support multiline input. The default value is an empty string, and similar to text_positive, there are no strict limits on its content, allowing flexibility in defining what should be excluded from the generated prompt.


The style_file parameter allows you to select a YAML file that contains the template styles you wish to apply to your prompt. The default option is "basic.yaml", but you can choose from other available styles depending on your needs. This parameter plays a crucial role in determining the overall structure and style of the generated prompt.


This parameter specifies the name of the template to be used from the selected style_file. It is essential for guiding the node on how to format and structure the input text into a coherent prompt. The available options for this parameter are defined within the chosen style file, providing a range of templates to suit different creative requirements.

iTools Prompt Styler 🖌️ Output Parameters:


The positive_prompt output is a string that represents the final, styled prompt emphasizing the positive elements specified in the text_positive input. This output is crucial for guiding AI models in generating content that aligns with your creative vision, focusing on the aspects you want to highlight.


The negative_prompt output is a string that captures the styled prompt with a focus on the negative elements outlined in the text_negative input. This output helps in steering AI models away from undesired content, ensuring that the generated results do not include elements you wish to avoid.

iTools Prompt Styler 🖌️ Usage Tips:

  • Experiment with different style_file and template_name combinations to discover unique prompt styles that best fit your creative projects.
  • Use detailed and specific text in the text_positive and text_negative inputs to achieve more precise and tailored prompt outputs.
  • Regularly update your YAML style files with new templates to keep your prompt generation fresh and aligned with evolving artistic trends.

iTools Prompt Styler 🖌️ Common Errors and Solutions:

File not exist, <file_path>

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the specified style_file does not exist at the given path.
  • Solution: Ensure that the file path is correct and that the file is accessible. Verify that the file name and extension are spelled correctly.

Template not found in style file

  • Explanation: This error indicates that the specified template_name is not available in the selected style_file.
  • Solution: Check the contents of the style_file to confirm that the template name is listed. If not, choose a valid template name or update the style file to include the desired template.

iTools Prompt Styler 🖌️ Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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RunComfy is the premier ComfyUI platform, offering ComfyUI online environment and services, along with ComfyUI workflows featuring stunning visuals. RunComfy also provides AI Playground, enabling artists to harness the latest AI tools to create incredible art.