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ComfyUI Node: Face Warp

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cubiq (Account age: 5009 days)
Face Analysis for ComfyUI
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How to Install Face Analysis for ComfyUI

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  Face Analysis for ComfyUI
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter Face Analysis for ComfyUI in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Face Warp Description

Seamlessly transform facial features for realistic face swaps with accurate alignment and blending for high-quality morphing effects.

Face Warp:

The FaceWarp node is designed to seamlessly transform facial features from one image to another, enabling you to create realistic and visually appealing face swaps. This node leverages advanced facial landmark detection and affine transformation techniques to ensure that the facial features are accurately aligned and blended. By using this node, you can achieve high-quality face morphing effects, which are particularly useful in applications such as digital art, entertainment, and augmented reality. The FaceWarp node ensures that the color and texture of the transformed face match the target image, providing a cohesive and natural look.

Face Warp Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the models used for facial landmark detection and analysis. These models are crucial for identifying key facial features in both the source and target images, which are then used to compute the transformation matrix for the face warp. The accuracy and quality of the face warp heavily depend on the performance of these analysis models.


This parameter is the source image from which the facial features will be extracted and transformed. It should be provided as a tensor. The quality and resolution of this image will directly impact the final output of the face warp.


This parameter is the target image to which the facial features from the source image will be applied. It should also be provided as a tensor. The target image serves as the canvas for the face warp, and its characteristics will influence the final appearance of the transformed face.


This parameter specifies the key facial landmarks to be used for the transformation. Options include "main features" and "forehead". The choice of keypoints affects the accuracy and extent of the face warp, with "main features" focusing on primary facial elements and "forehead" including additional landmarks for a more comprehensive transformation.


This parameter controls the expansion of the mask around the facial landmarks. It is an integer value that determines how much the mask should grow beyond the detected landmarks. A higher value results in a larger mask, which can help in blending the transformed face more smoothly with the target image.


This parameter applies a Gaussian blur to the mask to smooth the edges and blend the transformed face with the target image. It is an integer value, and a higher value results in a more pronounced blur effect. The blur value must be an odd number, and if an even number is provided, it will be incremented by one to ensure proper Gaussian blur application.

Face Warp Output Parameters:


This parameter is the final image with the transformed face applied. It is a tensor that represents the target image with the source facial features accurately aligned and blended. The output image maintains the color and texture consistency, providing a natural and realistic face warp effect.


This parameter is the mask used during the face warp process. It is a tensor that represents the area of the source image that was transformed and applied to the target image. The mask helps in understanding the extent of the transformation and can be useful for further image processing tasks.

Face Warp Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that both the source and target images are of high quality and resolution to achieve the best face warp results.
  • Use the "main features" keypoints option for a basic face swap, and include "forehead" keypoints for a more comprehensive transformation.
  • Adjust the grow parameter to fine-tune the blending of the transformed face with the target image, especially if there are noticeable edges.
  • Apply an appropriate blur value to smooth the mask edges and enhance the natural look of the face warp. Remember that the blur value must be an odd number.

Face Warp Common Errors and Solutions:

No face detected in image

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the analysis models fail to detect any facial landmarks in the provided source or target image.
  • Solution: Ensure that the images contain clear and unobstructed views of faces. You may also need to verify that the analysis models are correctly loaded and functioning.

Invalid blur value

  • Explanation: This error occurs when an even number is provided for the blur parameter.
  • Solution: Provide an odd number for the blur parameter. If you accidentally provide an even number, the node will automatically increment it by one to make it odd.

Transformation matrix computation failed

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the node is unable to compute the affine transformation matrix due to insufficient or incorrect keypoints.
  • Solution: Verify that the keypoints parameter is correctly set and that the analysis models are accurately detecting the facial landmarks. Ensure that both source and target images have clearly visible and well-defined facial features.

Face Warp Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
Face Analysis for ComfyUI

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