ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI_StringOps > 替换第n次出现(

ComfyUI Node: 替换第n次出现(

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How to Install ComfyUI_StringOps

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI_StringOps
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI_StringOps in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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替换第n次出现( Description

Efficiently replace nth occurrence of substring in text for targeted manipulation with precision and control.


The ReplaceNthOccurrence node is designed to provide a precise and efficient way to replace the nth occurrence of a specified substring within a given text. This node is particularly useful when you need to modify specific instances of a substring without affecting others, allowing for targeted text manipulation. By focusing on the nth occurrence, it offers a level of control that is beneficial in scenarios where only certain repetitions of a substring need to be altered, such as in structured data or formatted text. This capability can be especially advantageous in creative AI applications where text generation and manipulation are key components.

替换第n次出现( Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the text in which you want to perform the replacement. It accepts a string input and can handle multiline text, making it versatile for various text processing tasks. The default value is an empty string, and there are no specific minimum or maximum values, as it depends on the text you are working with.


The occurrence parameter specifies which instance of the search_str you want to replace. It is an integer value where the default is 1, meaning the first occurrence will be replaced. The minimum value is 0, which will replace all occurrences, and there is no explicit maximum, but it should be a positive integer within the range of occurrences in the text.


This parameter is the substring you are looking to replace within the original_text. It is a string value, and the default is "替换前字符". This parameter is crucial as it defines the target for the replacement operation.


The replace_str parameter is the new substring that will replace the specified occurrence of the search_str. It is a string value with a default of "替换后字符". This parameter determines what the specified occurrence will be changed to.

替换第n次出现( Output Parameters:


The output is a string that represents the modified text after the specified occurrence of the search_str has been replaced with the replace_str. This output is crucial as it provides the final result of the node's operation, reflecting the changes made to the original text.

替换第n次出现( Usage Tips:

  • To replace all occurrences of a substring, set the occurrence parameter to 0.
  • Use this node when you need to make precise changes to specific instances of a substring, such as in formatted documents or structured data.

替换第n次出现( Common Errors and Solutions:

ValueError: Invalid occurrence value

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the occurrence parameter is set to a negative number or a non-integer value.
  • Solution: Ensure that the occurrence parameter is a non-negative integer.

No match found for search_str

  • Explanation: This error indicates that the specified search_str does not exist in the original_text.
  • Solution: Verify that the search_str is correctly specified and exists in the original_text.

替换第n次出现( Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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