ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI_StringOps > 随机打乱(

ComfyUI Node: 随机打乱(

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How to Install ComfyUI_StringOps

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI_StringOps
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI_StringOps in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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随机打乱( Description

Randomly rearranges text lines for creative writing and data scrambling.


The ShuffleTextLines node is designed to randomly rearrange the lines of a given text input. This node is particularly useful when you want to introduce an element of randomness or unpredictability into your text processing tasks. By shuffling the lines, you can create variations in text presentation, which can be beneficial for creative writing, generating unique text outputs, or simply for data scrambling purposes. The node operates by taking a block of text and a specified delimiter to identify line breaks, then it randomly reorders these lines to produce a new sequence. This functionality can be a powerful tool for AI artists looking to experiment with text manipulation and explore new creative possibilities.

随机打乱( Input Parameters:


The input_text parameter is the main body of text that you want to shuffle. It accepts a string input and supports multiline text, allowing you to input paragraphs or lists of text. The content of this parameter is split into lines based on the specified delimiter, and these lines are then shuffled. There is no minimum or maximum length for the text, but the default value is an empty string, meaning you need to provide some text for the node to function effectively.


The delimiter parameter specifies the character or string used to determine where the text should be split into lines. By default, this is set to "分隔符", but you can change it to any character or string that suits your text structure, such as a newline character (\n) or a comma. The choice of delimiter directly impacts how the text is divided into lines, which in turn affects the shuffling process. If the delimiter is left empty, the node will default to splitting the text by lines.

随机打乱( Output Parameters:


The output of the ShuffleTextLines node is a single string that contains the shuffled lines of the input text. This output maintains the same content as the input but in a different order, providing a new arrangement of the text lines. The shuffled text can be used for further processing or as a final output, depending on your needs. The randomness of the output can add a unique twist to text-based projects, making it a valuable tool for creative applications.

随机打乱( Usage Tips:

  • To achieve the best results, ensure that your input text is well-structured and that the delimiter accurately reflects the line breaks you intend to shuffle. This will help maintain the coherence of the shuffled output.
  • Experiment with different delimiters to see how they affect the shuffling process. For example, using a comma as a delimiter can shuffle phrases within a sentence, while a newline character can shuffle entire paragraphs.
  • Consider using the ShuffleTextLines node in combination with other text processing nodes to create complex text manipulation workflows, enhancing the creative potential of your projects.

随机打乱( Common Errors and Solutions:

Empty Input Text

  • Explanation: The input text is empty, resulting in no lines to shuffle.
  • Solution: Ensure that you provide a non-empty string as the input text to enable the shuffling process.

Invalid Delimiter

  • Explanation: The specified delimiter does not match any part of the input text, leading to no effective line splitting.
  • Solution: Verify that the delimiter accurately represents the line breaks in your input text. Adjust the delimiter to match the structure of your text.


  • Explanation: A ValueError might occur if there is an issue with processing the input text or delimiter.
  • Solution: Double-check the input text and delimiter for any inconsistencies or unsupported characters. Ensure that the input text is properly formatted and that the delimiter is correctly specified.

随机打乱( Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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