ComfyUI > Nodes > Comfy_KepListStuff > String List

ComfyUI Node: String List

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List Stuff
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How to Install Comfy_KepListStuff

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for Comfy_KepListStuff
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter Comfy_KepListStuff in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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String List Description

Facilitates creation and management of string lists in a node-based environment, aggregating multiple inputs into a single list for efficient data handling.

String List:

The KepStringList node is designed to facilitate the creation and management of string lists within a node-based environment. Its primary function is to gather multiple string inputs and compile them into a single list, which can then be utilized for various purposes such as data processing, manipulation, or display. This node is particularly beneficial for users who need to handle multiple text inputs efficiently, as it simplifies the process of aggregating and managing these inputs. By providing a straightforward method to convert individual strings into a cohesive list, the KepStringList node enhances workflow efficiency and organization, making it an essential tool for tasks that involve text data management.

String List Input Parameters:


Text1 is a required input parameter that accepts a string value. It serves as one of the primary text inputs that will be included in the resulting string list. This parameter is crucial as it forms the base of the list, ensuring that at least one string is always present in the output. There are no specific minimum, maximum, or default values for this parameter, as it is expected to be a user-defined string.


Text2 is another required input parameter that also accepts a string value. Similar to Text1, it is a fundamental component of the string list, providing an additional text input that will be included in the final output. This parameter ensures that the list contains multiple entries, enhancing its utility for various applications. Like Text1, there are no predefined constraints on the values for this parameter.


Text3 is an optional input parameter that allows users to include an additional string in the list. If provided, this string will be appended to the list, offering more flexibility in terms of the number of inputs that can be managed. This parameter is useful for users who need to handle more than the required inputs without altering the node's core functionality.


Text4 is an optional input parameter similar to Text3, providing another opportunity to add a string to the list. This parameter is beneficial for users who require additional text inputs beyond the mandatory ones, allowing for greater customization and adaptability in list creation.


Text5 is an optional input parameter that functions like Text3 and Text4, enabling users to include yet another string in the list. This parameter is particularly useful for scenarios where multiple text inputs need to be aggregated without complicating the node's operation.


Text6 is an optional input parameter that offers further flexibility by allowing users to add an additional string to the list. This parameter is ideal for users who need to manage a larger number of text inputs, providing a straightforward way to expand the list as needed.


Text7 is the final optional input parameter, allowing users to include one more string in the list. This parameter is advantageous for users who require maximum input capacity, ensuring that all necessary text inputs can be accommodated within a single node.

String List Output Parameters:


The Strings output parameter is a list of strings that contains all the text inputs provided through the node's input parameters. This output is crucial as it consolidates the individual string inputs into a single, manageable list, which can then be used for further processing or analysis. The list format makes it easy to iterate over the strings or apply batch operations, enhancing the node's utility in various applications.

Num Strings

The Num Strings output parameter is an integer that represents the total number of strings included in the Strings list. This output is important for users who need to keep track of the number of inputs processed by the node, providing a quick and easy way to verify the completeness of the list. It serves as a useful reference for ensuring that all intended inputs have been successfully aggregated.

String List Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that all required text inputs are provided to avoid incomplete list generation.
  • Utilize optional text inputs to maximize the node's flexibility and accommodate additional data as needed.
  • Consider the order of input parameters, as the resulting list will reflect the sequence in which strings are provided.

String List Common Errors and Solutions:

Missing required input: Text1 or Text2

  • Explanation: This error occurs when one or both of the required text inputs are not provided, preventing the node from generating a complete list.
  • Solution: Ensure that both Text1 and Text2 are filled with valid string values before executing the node.

Invalid input type

  • Explanation: This error arises when a non-string value is provided as input, which the node cannot process.
  • Solution: Verify that all input parameters are strings and adjust any incorrect inputs accordingly.

Empty output list

  • Explanation: This issue may occur if all optional inputs are left blank and the required inputs are not properly configured.
  • Solution: Double-check that at least the required inputs are populated with valid strings to ensure a non-empty output list.

String List Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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