ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI Old Photo Restoration > Global Restoration

ComfyUI Node: Global Restoration

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Haoming02 (Account age: 1588days)
ComfyUI Old Photo Restoration
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How to Install ComfyUI Old Photo Restoration

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI Old Photo Restoration
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI Old Photo Restoration in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Global Restoration Description

Enhance and restore old photographs with global restoration techniques for improved quality and visual appeal.

Global Restoration:

Stage1, known as "Global Restoration," is a node designed to enhance and restore old photographs by applying global restoration techniques. This node is particularly beneficial for users looking to improve the overall quality of aged or damaged images, making them appear more vibrant and clear. The primary goal of Stage1 is to perform comprehensive image restoration, addressing various imperfections that may have developed over time. By leveraging advanced algorithms, this node can effectively enhance the visual appeal of old photos, making them suitable for display or archival purposes. Its capabilities are essential for artists and photographers who wish to preserve the integrity and beauty of historical images.

Global Restoration Input Parameters:


The image parameter is the primary input for the Stage1 node, representing the photograph that requires restoration. This parameter accepts an image in the form of a tensor, which is a multi-dimensional array used to store the pixel data of the image. The quality and resolution of the input image can significantly impact the restoration results, as higher-quality images provide more data for the restoration process. Users should ensure that the input image is of sufficient quality to achieve the desired restoration effect.


The hr parameter is a boolean option that determines whether high-resolution processing should be applied during the restoration. When set to True, the node will utilize high-resolution techniques to enhance the image, which can lead to more detailed and refined restoration results. The default value is False, meaning that standard resolution processing is applied unless specified otherwise. Users should consider enabling this option for images that require extra attention to detail or when working with high-resolution photographs.


The gpu_id parameter is a string that specifies the identifier of the GPU to be used for processing. This parameter is crucial for users who have multiple GPUs available and wish to allocate specific resources for the restoration task. The default value is "0", indicating that the first GPU will be used. Users can adjust this parameter to optimize performance based on their hardware configuration, ensuring efficient utilization of available computational resources.

Global Restoration Output Parameters:


The output image parameter represents the restored version of the input photograph. This parameter provides the enhanced image as a tensor, which can be further processed or saved as needed. The restored image will exhibit improved clarity, reduced noise, and enhanced colors, making it more visually appealing and suitable for various applications. Users can expect a significant improvement in the overall quality of the image, depending on the input parameters and the condition of the original photograph.

Global Restoration Usage Tips:

  • To achieve the best restoration results, use high-quality input images with minimal compression artifacts, as these can affect the node's ability to accurately restore details.
  • Consider enabling the hr parameter for images that require detailed restoration, especially if the original photograph is of high resolution or contains intricate details that need preservation.
  • If you have multiple GPUs, adjust the gpu_id parameter to distribute the workload effectively and optimize processing speed, ensuring that the restoration task is completed efficiently.

Global Restoration Common Errors and Solutions:

Dependency cycle detected

  • Explanation: This error occurs when there is a cycle in the node dependencies, preventing the execution from proceeding. It indicates that the graph has a circular dependency that needs to be resolved.
  • Solution: Review the node connections and ensure that there are no circular dependencies. Reorganize the nodes to create a linear or acyclic graph structure, allowing the execution to proceed without errors.

Invalid image input

  • Explanation: This error arises when the input image is not in the expected format or is corrupted, preventing the node from processing it correctly.
  • Solution: Verify that the input image is a valid tensor and is not corrupted. Ensure that the image is in the correct format and try re-uploading or converting it if necessary.

Global Restoration Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
ComfyUI Old Photo Restoration
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