ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI-FFmpeg > 🔥AddTextWatermark

ComfyUI Node: 🔥AddTextWatermark

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How to Install ComfyUI-FFmpeg

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI-FFmpeg
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-FFmpeg in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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🔥AddTextWatermark Description

Integrate text watermarks into videos using FFmpeg for content protection and branding with customizable attributes.


The AddTextWatermark node is designed to seamlessly integrate text watermarks into video files using the powerful FFmpeg tool. This node is particularly beneficial for content creators and digital artists who wish to protect their video content by adding a personalized text overlay. The node allows you to specify various attributes of the watermark, such as its position, font style, size, and color, ensuring that the watermark is both aesthetically pleasing and effective in conveying ownership or branding. By automating the watermarking process, this node saves time and effort, enabling you to focus on the creative aspects of your work.

🔥AddTextWatermark Input Parameters:


This parameter specifies the path to the video file you wish to watermark. It is crucial as it determines the source video that will be processed. The default value is "C:/Users/Desktop/video.mp4". Ensure the path points to a valid video file, as incorrect paths will result in errors.


This parameter defines the directory where the watermarked video will be saved. It is important for organizing and accessing the processed video. The default value is "C:/Users/Desktop/output/". Make sure this path is a valid directory to avoid errors during the saving process.


This parameter allows you to select the font file for the watermark text. You can choose from a list of available fonts or use the default option. The font file impacts the visual style of the watermark, and selecting an appropriate font can enhance the watermark's effectiveness.


This parameter sets the size of the watermark text. It ranges from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 1000, with a default value of 15. The font size affects the visibility and prominence of the watermark on the video.


This parameter specifies the color of the watermark text in hexadecimal format, with a default value of "#FFFFFF" (white). The font color should contrast well with the video content to ensure the watermark is visible.


This parameter is the actual text that will appear as the watermark. The default text is "Watermark". This text should be concise and relevant, such as a brand name or copyright notice.


This parameter determines the horizontal position of the watermark on the video. It is an integer value with a default of 10, and it controls the distance from the left edge of the video.


This parameter sets the vertical position of the watermark on the video. It is an integer value with a default of 10, controlling the distance from the top edge of the video.

🔥AddTextWatermark Output Parameters:


This output parameter returns the path to the original video file that was processed. It is useful for reference and verification purposes.


This output parameter provides the path to the directory where the watermarked video has been saved. It is essential for locating and accessing the final output.

🔥AddTextWatermark Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the video_path points to a valid video file to avoid processing errors.
  • Choose a font_color that contrasts well with your video content to make the watermark visible.
  • Adjust position_x and position_y to place the watermark in a non-intrusive yet visible area of the video.
  • Use a font_size that is large enough to be seen but not so large that it distracts from the video content.

🔥AddTextWatermark Common Errors and Solutions:

Error: video_path is not a video file

  • Explanation: The specified video_path does not point to a valid video file.
  • Solution: Verify that the video_path is correct and points to a supported video file format.

Error: video_path does not exist

  • Explanation: The video file specified in video_path cannot be found.
  • Solution: Check the file path for typos and ensure the file exists at the specified location.

Error: output_path is not a directory

  • Explanation: The specified output_path is not a valid directory.
  • Solution: Ensure that output_path points to an existing directory where the output can be saved.

🔥AddTextWatermark Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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