ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI-FFmpeg > 🔥VideoFlip

ComfyUI Node: 🔥VideoFlip

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How to Install ComfyUI-FFmpeg

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI-FFmpeg
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-FFmpeg in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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🔥VideoFlip Description

Efficiently flip video files horizontally, vertically, or both using FFmpeg for streamlined video editing.


The VideoFlip node is designed to provide a straightforward and efficient way to flip video files using FFmpeg, a powerful multimedia processing tool. This node allows you to transform your video content by flipping it horizontally, vertically, or both, depending on your creative needs. By automating the video flipping process, VideoFlip saves you time and effort, enabling you to focus on the artistic aspects of your projects. Whether you are looking to create mirrored effects or simply adjust the orientation of your video, this node offers a user-friendly solution that integrates seamlessly into your workflow.

🔥VideoFlip Input Parameters:


The video_path parameter specifies the location of the video file you wish to flip. It is crucial for the node to access the correct file, so ensure that the path is accurate and points to a valid video file. The default value is set to "C:/Users/Desktop/video.mp4", but you can change it to match the location of your video. This parameter does not have a minimum or maximum value, but it must be a valid file path.


The output_path parameter determines where the flipped video will be saved. It should be a directory path where you have write permissions. The default value is "C:/Users/Desktop/output", and it is important to ensure that this path is a directory, not a file. This parameter does not have a minimum or maximum value, but it must be a valid directory path.


The flip_type parameter allows you to choose the type of flip you want to apply to your video. You can select from three options: horizontal, vertical, or both. The default option is horizontal, which flips the video along the horizontal axis. Selecting vertical will flip the video along the vertical axis, while both will apply both horizontal and vertical flips. This parameter does not have numerical limits but offers these specific options to choose from.

🔥VideoFlip Output Parameters:


The video_complete_path output parameter provides the full path to the flipped video file once the process is complete. This is important for locating the output file and verifying that the operation was successful. The output is a string that represents the complete file path, ensuring you can easily access and use the flipped video in your subsequent projects.

🔥VideoFlip Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the video_path points to a valid video file to avoid errors during processing.
  • Verify that the output_path is a directory and that you have the necessary permissions to write files to this location.
  • Choose the flip_type that best suits your creative needs, whether it's a simple horizontal flip or a combination of both horizontal and vertical flips for more complex effects.

🔥VideoFlip Common Errors and Solutions:

"video_path: <path> is not a video file"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the specified video_path does not point to a valid video file.
  • Solution: Double-check the file extension and ensure that the path is correct and points to a supported video format.

"video_path: <path> does not exist"

  • Explanation: This error indicates that the file specified in video_path cannot be found.
  • Solution: Verify that the file path is correct and that the file exists at the specified location.

"output_path: <path> is not a directory"

  • Explanation: This error arises when the output_path is not a valid directory.
  • Solution: Ensure that the output_path is a directory and that you have the necessary permissions to write files to it.

"Error: <ffmpeg error message>"

  • Explanation: This error is a generic message indicating that FFmpeg encountered an issue during processing.
  • Solution: Review the FFmpeg error message for specific details and ensure that all input parameters are correctly set. Check for any compatibility issues with the video file format.

🔥VideoFlip Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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