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ComfyUI Node: Florence Prompt Travel Helper

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mgfxer (Account age: 32 days)
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How to Install ComfyUI-FrameFX

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI-FrameFX
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-FrameFX in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Florence Prompt Travel Helper Description

Specialized node for prompt sequence creation and manipulation in animation workflows within FrameFX extension.

Florence Prompt Travel Helper:

The FlorencePromptTravelHelper is a specialized node designed to assist in the creation and manipulation of prompt sequences for animation workflows. This node is part of the FrameFX extension, which provides various tools for handling frame and mask sequences. The primary function of the FlorencePromptTravelHelper is to process bulk text inputs and generate a structured sequence of prompts that can be used to create smooth transitions and holds within an animation. By breaking down a bulk text input into individual prompts and organizing them into frames with specified hold and transition lengths, this node ensures that your animations have a coherent and visually appealing flow. The FlorencePromptTravelHelper is particularly useful for artists looking to automate and streamline the process of prompt-based animation, allowing for more creative freedom and efficiency.

Florence Prompt Travel Helper Input Parameters:


This parameter accepts a string of text that contains multiple prompts separated by a specific delimiter (.,). The bulk_text_input is the primary source of prompts that will be processed and organized into frames. If the input is a list, it will be joined into a single string using the delimiter. The function of this parameter is to provide the raw data that will be transformed into a sequence of prompts for animation. There is no minimum or maximum value for this parameter, but it should contain at least one prompt to be effective.


This parameter specifies the duration (in frames) for which each prompt will be held before transitioning to the next prompt. The hold_length determines how long a particular prompt remains visible in the animation, impacting the pacing and timing of the sequence. The default value is 5 frames, but it can be adjusted based on the desired effect.


This parameter defines the duration (in frames) of the transition between consecutive prompts. The transition_length affects the smoothness and speed of the change from one prompt to another, contributing to the overall fluidity of the animation. The default value is 5 frames, but it can be customized to achieve different transition effects.


This parameter adds extra frames at the end of the animation sequence to create a buffer or padding. The end_padding_frames ensure that the final prompt has sufficient time to be displayed before the animation loop restarts. The default value is 10 frames, providing a smooth and seamless loop.

Florence Prompt Travel Helper Output Parameters:


The output parameter is a string that contains the formatted sequence of prompts organized by frame numbers. Each frame is mapped to its corresponding prompt(s), creating a structured and easily interpretable format. The formatted_prompts output is essential for integrating the generated prompt sequence into animation workflows, allowing for precise control over the timing and transitions of the prompts.

Florence Prompt Travel Helper Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that your bulk_text_input is well-structured and contains clear delimiters (.,) to separate individual prompts for optimal processing.
  • Adjust the hold_length and transition_length parameters to fine-tune the pacing and smoothness of your animation, experimenting with different values to achieve the desired effect.
  • Utilize the end_padding_frames parameter to add a buffer at the end of your animation sequence, ensuring a seamless loop and preventing abrupt transitions.

Florence Prompt Travel Helper Common Errors and Solutions:

"Input text is empty or only contains whitespace"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the bulk_text_input parameter is either empty or consists solely of whitespace characters.
  • Solution: Ensure that the bulk_text_input contains valid prompts separated by the specified delimiter (.,) and that it is not empty or filled with only whitespace.

"Invalid delimiter in bulk_text_input"

  • Explanation: This error happens when the bulk_text_input does not use the correct delimiter (.,) to separate individual prompts.
  • Solution: Verify that the bulk_text_input uses the correct delimiter (.,) to separate prompts and that each prompt is properly formatted.

"Hold length or transition length is not a positive integer"

  • Explanation: This error arises when the hold_length or transition_length parameters are set to non-positive values.
  • Solution: Ensure that both hold_length and transition_length are positive integers to allow for proper timing and transitions in the animation sequence.

Florence Prompt Travel Helper Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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