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ComfyUI Node: ImpactValueReceiver

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Dr.Lt.Data (Account age: 458 days)
ComfyUI Impact Pack
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How to Install ComfyUI Impact Pack

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI Impact Pack
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI Impact Pack in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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ImpactValueReceiver Description

Versatile node for converting and handling diverse data types in AI art projects.


The ImpactValueReceiver node is designed to receive and convert values of various data types, making it a versatile tool for handling different kinds of input data in your AI art projects. This node can interpret and transform incoming values into specific types such as strings, integers, floats, and booleans, based on the configuration you provide. By leveraging this node, you can ensure that the data flowing through your system is correctly typed and formatted, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity and functionality of your workflows. The primary function of this node is to facilitate the seamless conversion and handling of diverse data types, thereby enhancing the flexibility and robustness of your AI-driven processes.

ImpactValueReceiver Input Parameters:


This parameter specifies the type of the value that the node will receive and convert. The available options are "STRING", "INT", "FLOAT", and "BOOLEAN". Depending on the selected type, the node will interpret the incoming value accordingly. This parameter is crucial as it determines how the value will be processed and converted.


This parameter represents the actual value to be received and converted by the node. It is a string by default, but its interpretation depends on the typ parameter. For instance, if typ is set to "INT", the node will convert this string value to an integer. The default value is an empty string, and it can be any valid string representation of the desired type.

This parameter is an integer that serves as an identifier for the link through which the value is received. It helps in managing and tracking the flow of data within the system. The default value is 0, and it can range from 0 to the maximum size of an integer in the system.

ImpactValueReceiver Output Parameters:


The output parameter of this node is a tuple containing the converted value. The type of the value in the tuple depends on the typ parameter. For example, if typ is "INT", the output will be a tuple with an integer value. This output is essential for ensuring that the data is correctly typed and ready for further processing in your workflow.

ImpactValueReceiver Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the typ parameter is correctly set to match the type of the incoming value to avoid conversion errors.
  • Use the link_id parameter to manage and track multiple data flows within your system, especially in complex workflows.
  • Validate the input value to ensure it is a valid representation of the desired type to prevent runtime errors.

ImpactValueReceiver Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid value for the specified type

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the input value cannot be converted to the specified type.
  • Solution: Ensure that the input value is a valid representation of the type specified in the typ parameter. For example, if typ is "INT", the value should be a valid integer string.

Missing or incorrect typ parameter

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the typ parameter is not set or is set to an invalid value.
  • Solution: Verify that the typ parameter is correctly set to one of the allowed values: "STRING", "INT", "FLOAT", or "BOOLEAN".
  • Explanation: This error occurs when there are conflicts or mismanagement of link_id values in complex workflows.
  • Solution: Ensure that each link_id is unique and correctly managed to avoid conflicts and ensure proper data flow tracking.

ImpactValueReceiver Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
ComfyUI Impact Pack

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