ComfyUI  >  Nodes  >  ComfyUI-MagickWand >  ImageMagick Cycle Color Map

ComfyUI Node: ImageMagick Cycle Color Map

Class Name

ImageMagick Cycle Color Map

Fannovel16 (Account age: 3129 days)
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How to Install ComfyUI-MagickWand

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI-MagickWand
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-MagickWand in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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ImageMagick Cycle Color Map Description

Cyclically shift image color map for creative transformations and unique artistic effects.

ImageMagick Cycle Color Map:

The ImageMagick Cycle Color Map node is designed to cyclically shift the colors in an image's color map by a specified offset. This effect can create visually striking transformations by altering the color distribution in a predictable manner. It is particularly useful for generating unique artistic effects, enhancing visual interest, or preparing images for further processing steps. By adjusting the color map, you can achieve a variety of creative outcomes, making this node a valuable tool for AI artists looking to experiment with color manipulation.

ImageMagick Cycle Color Map Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the input image that you want to apply the cycle color map effect to. The image should be in a format compatible with the node's processing capabilities.


The offset parameter determines the number of positions by which the colors in the color map will be shifted. The minimum value is 0, the maximum value is 1024, and the default value is 1. Adjusting this value will change the extent of the color shift, allowing you to fine-tune the visual effect.

ImageMagick Cycle Color Map Output Parameters:


The output is the transformed image with the color map cycled by the specified offset. This image will have a different color distribution compared to the input image, reflecting the changes made by the cycle color map effect.

ImageMagick Cycle Color Map Usage Tips:

  • Experiment with different offset values to see how they affect the color distribution in your image. Small offsets may result in subtle changes, while larger offsets can create more dramatic effects.
  • Use this node in combination with other color manipulation nodes to create complex and unique visual effects.
  • Consider applying the cycle color map effect to images with distinct color palettes to achieve the most noticeable transformations.

ImageMagick Cycle Color Map Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid image format

  • Explanation: The input image is not in a format supported by the node.
  • Solution: Ensure that the image is in a compatible format, such as JPEG, PNG, or another supported type.

Offset value out of range

  • Explanation: The offset parameter is set to a value outside the allowed range (0-1024).
  • Solution: Adjust the offset value to be within the specified range.

Image processing failed

  • Explanation: An unspecified error occurred during the image processing.
  • Solution: Check the input image and parameters for any inconsistencies or errors, and try reprocessing the image. If the issue persists, consult the documentation or seek support.

ImageMagick Cycle Color Map Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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