ComfyUI > Nodes > Nodes for use with real-time applications of ComfyUI > String Sequence 🕒🅡🅣🅝

ComfyUI Node: String Sequence 🕒🅡🅣🅝

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RyanOnTheInside (Account age: 3947days)
Nodes for use with real-time applications of ComfyUI
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How to Install Nodes for use with real-time applications of ComfyUI

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for Nodes for use with real-time applications of ComfyUI
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter Nodes for use with real-time applications of ComfyUI in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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String Sequence 🕒🅡🅣🅝 Description

Cycle through strings dynamically for real-time applications, automating the process for efficiency and creativity.

String Sequence 🕒🅡🅣🅝:

The StringSequence node is designed to cycle through a sequence of strings, providing a dynamic and flexible way to manage string data in real-time applications. This node is particularly useful for scenarios where you need to iterate over a list of strings, such as generating text prompts or managing a sequence of commands. By leveraging the StringSequence node, you can automate the process of cycling through strings, which can enhance the efficiency and creativity of your projects. The node operates by taking a list of strings and cycling through them based on specified parameters, allowing for seamless integration into various workflows.

String Sequence 🕒🅡🅣🅝 Input Parameters:


The values parameter is a multiline string input that allows you to specify a list of strings, with each string on a separate line. This parameter is crucial as it defines the sequence of strings that the node will cycle through. The default value is "first\nsecond\nthird", which means the node will cycle through these three strings by default. This parameter supports customization, enabling you to input any sequence of strings that suits your project's needs. The impact of this parameter is directly on the sequence of outputs generated by the node.


The steps_per_item parameter determines how many steps the node will take before moving to the next string in the sequence. This parameter controls the pacing of the sequence cycling, allowing you to adjust how quickly or slowly the node progresses through the list of strings. There are no explicit minimum or maximum values provided, but the choice of value will affect the timing and rhythm of the sequence.


The sequence_mode parameter specifies the mode of cycling through the string sequence. This parameter influences the pattern or order in which the strings are accessed, providing flexibility in how the sequence is navigated. The exact options for this parameter are not detailed in the context, but it typically involves modes like linear, random, or custom patterns.


The always_execute parameter is a boolean that determines whether the node should always execute its update function, regardless of changes in input. By default, this is set to True, ensuring that the node consistently cycles through the sequence. This parameter is important for maintaining the node's operation in dynamic environments where inputs may frequently change.

String Sequence 🕒🅡🅣🅝 Output Parameters:


The STRING output parameter represents the current string in the sequence that the node has cycled to. This output is crucial as it provides the result of the node's operation, delivering the specific string that corresponds to the current step in the sequence. The output is dynamic and changes based on the input parameters, particularly the steps_per_item and sequence_mode, allowing for real-time updates in your application.

String Sequence 🕒🅡🅣🅝 Usage Tips:

  • To effectively use the StringSequence node, ensure that your values parameter is well-defined with each string on a new line to avoid any parsing issues.
  • Adjust the steps_per_item parameter to control the speed of cycling through the sequence, which can be useful for synchronizing with other processes or animations.

String Sequence 🕒🅡🅣🅝 Common Errors and Solutions:

Empty String List

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the values parameter is empty or contains only whitespace, resulting in no strings to cycle through.
  • Solution: Ensure that the values parameter contains valid strings, each on a separate line, to provide a proper sequence for the node to cycle through.

Invalid Sequence Mode

  • Explanation: An invalid or unsupported sequence_mode may cause the node to malfunction or not cycle as expected.
  • Solution: Verify that the sequence_mode is set to a valid option supported by the node. Refer to the documentation or context for available modes.

Steps Per Item Not Set

  • Explanation: If steps_per_item is not set or is set to an inappropriate value, the node may not cycle through the sequence correctly.
  • Solution: Set the steps_per_item to a positive integer that matches the desired pacing for cycling through the sequence.

String Sequence 🕒🅡🅣🅝 Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
Nodes for use with real-time applications of ComfyUI
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