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ComfyUI Node: muse_pose_filenamestring

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  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter Comfyui-MusePose in the search bar
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muse_pose_filenamestring Description

Automate filename handling and processing for efficient file organization and validation within MusePose system.


The filenamestring node, also known as muse_pose_filenamestring, is designed to handle and process filenames within the MusePose system. This node is particularly useful for managing and manipulating filenames, ensuring they conform to specific patterns or requirements. It helps in organizing and retrieving files efficiently, which is crucial for workflows that involve numerous files and directories. By leveraging this node, you can automate the process of filename generation and validation, reducing the risk of errors and improving overall productivity.

muse_pose_filenamestring Input Parameters:


The folder_name parameter specifies the name of the folder where the files are located. This parameter is essential for the node to locate and process the correct files. It should be a string representing the folder's name. The impact of this parameter is significant as it directs the node to the appropriate directory, ensuring that the subsequent operations are performed on the correct set of files. There are no specific minimum or maximum values, but it should be a valid folder name within the system.


The filename parameter represents the name of the file to be processed. This parameter is crucial as it identifies the specific file within the folder. It should be a string that matches the file's name. The node uses this parameter to locate and manipulate the file as needed. Similar to folder_name, there are no specific minimum or maximum values, but it must be a valid filename within the specified folder.


The filename_prefix parameter is used to define a prefix for the filenames. This prefix is applied to the filenames during processing, which can help in organizing and categorizing files systematically. It should be a string that represents the desired prefix. The impact of this parameter is that it helps in creating a consistent naming convention, making it easier to manage and retrieve files. There are no specific minimum or maximum values, but it should be a valid string that can be prefixed to filenames.

muse_pose_filenamestring Output Parameters:


The full_output_folder parameter is the path to the folder where the processed files will be saved. This output is crucial as it provides the exact location of the output files, ensuring that users know where to find the results of the node's operations. It is a string representing the full path to the output folder.


The filename output parameter represents the name of the processed file. This output is important as it confirms the name of the file after processing, which may include the application of the filename_prefix. It is a string that matches the processed filename.


The counter parameter is an integer that indicates the version or sequence number of the file. This is useful for managing multiple versions of a file, ensuring that each version is uniquely identified. It helps in avoiding overwriting files and maintaining a history of changes.


The subfolder parameter represents the subdirectory within the full_output_folder where the file is saved. This output is important for further organizing files within the main output folder, providing a more granular level of file management. It is a string representing the subfolder's name.


The filename_prefix output parameter confirms the prefix applied to the filenames. This output is useful for verifying that the correct prefix has been used during the processing. It is a string that matches the applied prefix.

muse_pose_filenamestring Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the folder_name and filename parameters are correctly specified to avoid file not found errors.
  • Use meaningful and consistent filename_prefix values to maintain an organized file structure.
  • Regularly check the counter output to keep track of file versions and avoid accidental overwrites.

muse_pose_filenamestring Common Errors and Solutions:


  • Explanation: This error occurs when the specified folder or file does not exist.
  • Solution: Verify that the folder_name and filename parameters are correct and that the file exists in the specified location.


  • Explanation: This error occurs when there is an issue with the filename format, such as an invalid prefix or sequence number.
  • Solution: Ensure that the filename_prefix is correctly formatted and that the filenames conform to the expected pattern.

Exception: Saving image outside the output folder is not allowed.

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the full_output_folder is outside the allowed output directory.
  • Solution: Check the filename_prefix and subfolder parameters to ensure that the output path is within the allowed directory.

muse_pose_filenamestring Related Nodes

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