ComfyUI > Nodes > ControlAltAI Nodes > Get Image Size Ratio

ComfyUI Node: Get Image Size Ratio

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ControlAltAI Nodes/Image
ControlAltAI (Account age: 4104days)
ControlAltAI Nodes
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How to Install ControlAltAI Nodes

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ControlAltAI Nodes
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ControlAltAI Nodes in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Get Image Size Ratio Description

Extracts image dimensions and aspect ratio for maintaining visual balance and composition during resizing.

Get Image Size Ratio:

The GetImageSizeRatio node is designed to provide essential information about an image's dimensions and aspect ratio, which is particularly useful for AI artists who need to understand and manipulate image sizes for various creative projects. This node extracts the width and height of an image and calculates the aspect ratio, which is expressed as a simplified ratio of width to height. By understanding the aspect ratio, you can maintain the visual balance and composition of your images when resizing or transforming them. This node is a valuable tool for ensuring that images are scaled correctly without distortion, preserving the intended artistic effect.

Get Image Size Ratio Input Parameters:


The image parameter is the sole input required by the GetImageSizeRatio node. It represents the image from which the node will extract the size and calculate the aspect ratio. This parameter expects an image data type, which is typically a multi-dimensional array containing pixel values. The image's dimensions are crucial for the node's operation, as they are used to determine the width, height, and aspect ratio. There are no specific minimum, maximum, or default values for this parameter, as it simply requires a valid image input.

Get Image Size Ratio Output Parameters:


The width output parameter provides the width of the input image in pixels. This value is essential for understanding the horizontal dimension of the image and is used in conjunction with the height to calculate the aspect ratio. Knowing the width is important for tasks such as resizing or cropping, where maintaining the correct proportions is crucial.


The height output parameter gives the height of the input image in pixels. Similar to the width, this value is vital for understanding the vertical dimension of the image. The height, along with the width, is used to calculate the aspect ratio, which helps in maintaining the image's proportions during transformations.


The ratio output parameter represents the aspect ratio of the image, expressed as a simplified ratio of width to height (e.g., 16:9). This aspect ratio is crucial for ensuring that images are resized or transformed without distortion, preserving the intended visual composition. The ratio helps in maintaining consistency across different images and is particularly useful when preparing images for specific formats or displays.

Get Image Size Ratio Usage Tips:

  • Use the GetImageSizeRatio node to quickly determine the aspect ratio of an image before resizing it to ensure that the proportions are maintained.
  • When working with multiple images, use this node to standardize their aspect ratios, which can help in creating a cohesive visual presentation.

Get Image Size Ratio Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid image input

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the input provided is not a valid image or is in an unsupported format.
  • Solution: Ensure that the input is a valid image file and is in a supported format such as JPEG, PNG, or BMP.

Image shape mismatch

  • Explanation: This error arises when the image data does not have the expected shape, which should include dimensions for width and height.
  • Solution: Verify that the image data is correctly formatted and includes the necessary dimensions. If using a custom image loader, ensure it outputs the image in the expected format.

Get Image Size Ratio Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
ControlAltAI Nodes
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