ComfyUI > Nodes > RES4LYF > Sigmas Recast

ComfyUI Node: Sigmas Recast

Class Name

Sigmas Recast

ClownsharkBatwing (Account age: 287days)
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How to Install RES4LYF

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for RES4LYF
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter RES4LYF in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Sigmas Recast Description

Enhances denoising in AI art by refining sigma schedule adjustment for better noise reduction outcomes and customization.

Sigmas Recast:

The Sigmas Recast node is designed to enhance the denoising process in AI art generation by providing a more refined approach to adjusting the sigma schedule. Unlike traditional methods that slice the sigma schedule based on step count, this node allows for a more precise control by adjusting the schedule according to noise levels. This results in generally better outcomes, as it aligns more closely with the desired noise reduction goals. Additionally, the node offers the flexibility to reverse the sigma schedule if the start and end values are swapped, providing further customization in the denoising process. This makes it a valuable tool for artists looking to achieve high-quality results in their AI-generated artworks.

Sigmas Recast Input Parameters:


The start parameter defines the initial value of the sigma schedule. It is a floating-point number with a default value of 1.0, and it can range from -10000 to 10000. This parameter is crucial as it sets the starting point for the sigma adjustment, influencing the initial level of noise in the denoising process. A higher start value may result in more noise being retained initially, while a lower value can lead to a cleaner start.


The end parameter specifies the final value of the sigma schedule. Like the start parameter, it is a floating-point number with a default value of 0.0, and it also ranges from -10000 to 10000. This parameter determines the endpoint of the sigma adjustment, affecting the final noise level in the output. Adjusting the end value allows you to control how much noise is reduced by the end of the process, with lower values leading to a cleaner result.


The sigmas parameter is a required input that represents the sigma schedule to be adjusted. It is a specialized data type (SIGMAS) that contains the sequence of sigma values used in the denoising process. This parameter is essential as it provides the baseline schedule that will be rescaled according to the specified start and end values, allowing for a customized noise reduction path.

Sigmas Recast Output Parameters:


The sigmas_rescaled output is the adjusted sigma schedule resulting from the rescaling process. It is of the SIGMAS type and represents the new sequence of sigma values that have been modified according to the specified start and end parameters. This output is crucial as it provides the refined sigma schedule that can be used in subsequent denoising steps, ensuring a more controlled and effective noise reduction process.

Sigmas Recast Usage Tips:

  • To achieve a smoother transition in noise reduction, experiment with different start and end values to find the optimal balance for your specific artwork.
  • If you notice that the denoising process is too aggressive or too subtle, adjust the start and end values incrementally to fine-tune the results.

Sigmas Recast Common Errors and Solutions:

"Invalid sigma range"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the start and end values are set outside the permissible range or are not logically consistent.
  • Solution: Ensure that both start and end values are within the -10000 to 10000 range and that they are set in a way that makes sense for the desired noise reduction path.

"Sigmas input not provided"

  • Explanation: This error indicates that the sigmas input parameter is missing or not correctly connected.
  • Solution: Verify that the sigmas input is properly connected and contains a valid sigma schedule before executing the node.

Sigmas Recast Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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