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ComfyUI Node: Searge's Magic Box for SDXL

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How to Install SeargeSDXL

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  SeargeSDXL
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter SeargeSDXL in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Searge's Magic Box for SDXL Description

Versatile node streamlines image generation in ComfyUI with transformations, AI automation, and high-quality results.

Searge's Magic Box for SDXL:

The SeargeMagicBox is a versatile and powerful node designed to streamline and enhance the image generation process within the ComfyUI framework. It serves as a central hub for various processing stages, allowing you to apply a series of transformations and enhancements to your images. By leveraging a modular approach, the SeargeMagicBox can handle tasks such as pre-processing data, loading checkpoints, applying LoRAs, conditioning with CLIP, and more. This node is particularly beneficial for AI artists looking to automate and optimize their workflows, as it provides a structured and efficient way to manage complex image processing pipelines. The main goal of the SeargeMagicBox is to offer a flexible and comprehensive solution for image generation, ensuring high-quality results with minimal manual intervention.

Searge's Magic Box for SDXL Input Parameters:


The stage parameter determines the specific processing stage to be executed within the SeargeMagicBox. It supports various stages such as NONE, PRE_PROCESS_DATA, LOAD_CHECKPOINTS, APPLY_LORAS, PROMPT_STYLING, CLIP_CONDITIONING, CLIP_MIXING, APPLY_CONTROLNET, LATENT_INPUTS, SAMPLING, LATENT_DETAILER, VAE_DECODE_SAMPLED, HIGH_RESOLUTION, HIRES_DETAILER, VAE_DECODE_HIRES, UPSCALING, and IMAGE_SAVING. Each stage corresponds to a specific function or transformation applied to the image data. The default value is NONE, which skips processing. Selecting the appropriate stage is crucial for achieving the desired image processing outcome.


The input_from parameter specifies the source of the input data for the selected stage. It can take values from predefined options such as CUSTOM_AND_DATA, which indicates that the input will be a combination of custom input and data stream. This parameter is essential for directing the flow of data into the node, ensuring that the correct input is used for processing.


The output_to parameter defines where the output of the processing stage should be directed. Similar to input_from, it can take values like CUSTOM_AND_DATA, indicating that the output will be a combination of custom output and data stream. This parameter helps in managing the flow of processed data, ensuring that the results are correctly routed for further use or storage.

data (optional)

The data parameter is an optional input that represents the data stream to be processed. It is typically used to pass along intermediate results or additional information required by the processing stages. If not provided, the node will use the existing data stream. This parameter is useful for maintaining continuity and context across multiple processing stages.

custom_input (optional)

The custom_input parameter is an optional input that allows you to provide custom data to the processing stage. This can be particularly useful for injecting specific information or overriding default inputs. When used in conjunction with the input_from parameter, it offers greater flexibility and control over the data being processed.

Searge's Magic Box for SDXL Output Parameters:


The data output parameter represents the processed data stream after the selected stage has been executed. It contains the results of the transformations and enhancements applied during the processing stage. This output is crucial for passing along the processed data to subsequent stages or for final output.


The custom_output parameter provides the custom output generated by the processing stage. This output is particularly useful when the output_to parameter is set to CUSTOM_AND_DATA, allowing you to capture and utilize specific results from the processing stage. It offers additional flexibility for handling and routing the processed data.

Searge's Magic Box for SDXL Usage Tips:

  • To optimize performance, carefully select the appropriate stage parameter based on the specific transformation or enhancement you need.
  • Utilize the input_from and output_to parameters to effectively manage the flow of data, ensuring that the correct inputs and outputs are used for each processing stage.
  • Take advantage of the optional data and custom_input parameters to maintain context and provide specific information required by the processing stages.
  • Experiment with different combinations of stages to create complex and customized image processing pipelines that meet your specific needs.

Searge's Magic Box for SDXL Common Errors and Solutions:

"No stage processor exists"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the selected stage does not have a corresponding stage processor initialized.
  • Solution: Ensure that the selected stage is correctly implemented and that the corresponding stage processor is properly initialized in the SeargeMagicBox class.

"Stage input is None"

  • Explanation: This error indicates that the input data for the selected stage is missing or not correctly provided.
  • Solution: Verify that the input_from parameter is correctly set and that the necessary input data is available in the data stream or provided as custom input.

"Pipeline is not enabled"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the pipeline is not enabled, preventing the processing stage from executing.
  • Solution: Ensure that the pipeline is enabled by checking the relevant settings or conditions in the PipelineAccess class.

"Invalid stage selected"

  • Explanation: This error indicates that an invalid or unsupported stage has been selected.
  • Solution: Verify that the stage parameter is set to a valid and supported stage. Refer to the list of supported stages in the SeargeMagicBox documentation.

Searge's Magic Box for SDXL Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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