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ComfyUI Node: Get Int From JSON

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Art Venture/Utils
sipherxyz (Account age: 1158 days)
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How to Install comfyui-art-venture

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  comfyui-art-venture
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter comfyui-art-venture in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Get Int From JSON Description

Extract integer value from JSON object using specified key efficiently for AI artists.

Get Int From JSON:

The GetIntFromJson node is designed to extract an integer value from a JSON object using a specified key. This node is particularly useful when working with JSON data structures, allowing you to retrieve integer values efficiently without needing to manually parse the JSON. By providing a key, the node searches the JSON object and returns the corresponding integer value. If the key does not exist, it returns a default value of 0. This functionality is essential for AI artists who need to handle JSON data in their workflows, ensuring that they can easily access and manipulate numerical data embedded within JSON structures.

Get Int From JSON Input Parameters:


This parameter expects a JSON object from which the integer value will be extracted. The JSON object should be a valid JSON structure containing key-value pairs. The function of this parameter is to provide the data source for the node to search for the specified key. The impact of this parameter on the node's execution is significant, as it determines the data context in which the key will be searched. There are no minimum or maximum values for this parameter, but it must be a valid JSON object.


This parameter is a string that specifies the key whose corresponding integer value needs to be extracted from the JSON object. The function of this parameter is to identify the specific key within the JSON structure. If the key is found, the node returns the associated integer value; if not, it returns a default value of 0. The default value for this parameter is an empty string (""), meaning that if no key is provided, the node will not find any value and will return the default integer value. There are no minimum or maximum values for this parameter, but it must be a valid string.

Get Int From JSON Output Parameters:


This output parameter represents the integer value extracted from the JSON object using the specified key. If the key is found in the JSON object, this parameter will contain the corresponding integer value. If the key is not found, it will return a default value of 0. The importance of this parameter lies in its ability to provide a straightforward and reliable way to access numerical data within a JSON structure, which can be crucial for various tasks in AI art workflows.

Get Int From JSON Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the JSON object provided is valid and properly formatted to avoid errors during the extraction process.
  • Use meaningful and specific keys to accurately retrieve the desired integer values from the JSON object.
  • If you expect the key might not always be present in the JSON, consider handling the default value of 0 in your workflow to avoid unexpected results.

Get Int From JSON Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid JSON object

  • Explanation: The provided JSON object is not valid or improperly formatted.
  • Solution: Verify that the JSON object is correctly formatted and valid. Use online JSON validators to check the structure.

Key not found

  • Explanation: The specified key does not exist in the JSON object.
  • Solution: Ensure that the key provided matches exactly with the keys in the JSON object, including case sensitivity. If the key might be missing, handle the default value of 0 appropriately in your workflow.

Type mismatch

  • Explanation: The value associated with the specified key is not an integer.
  • Solution: Ensure that the value corresponding to the key in the JSON object is an integer. If the value can be of different types, consider adding validation or conversion logic in your workflow.

Get Int From JSON Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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