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ComfyUI Node: StyleAligned Reference Sampler

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brianfitzgerald (Account age: 4240 days)
StyleAligned for ComfyUI
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How to Install StyleAligned for ComfyUI

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  StyleAligned for ComfyUI
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter StyleAligned for ComfyUI in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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StyleAligned Reference Sampler Description

Facilitates style-aligned latent sampling for AI artists to maintain consistency and coherence in generated images.

StyleAligned Reference Sampler:

The StyleAlignedReferenceSampler node is designed to facilitate the sampling of reference latents in a style-aligned manner. This node is particularly useful for AI artists who want to maintain stylistic consistency across different generated images. By leveraging this node, you can ensure that the sampled latents are aligned with a specific style, which can be crucial for creating cohesive and visually appealing artworks. The primary goal of this node is to provide a mechanism for sampling that respects the stylistic attributes defined by the user, thereby enhancing the overall quality and coherence of the generated images.

StyleAligned Reference Sampler Input Parameters:


The model parameter specifies the model to be used for sampling. This is a required parameter and it determines the underlying architecture and weights that will guide the sampling process. The model should be pre-trained and capable of generating images in the desired style.


The noise_seed parameter is used to initialize the random noise that will be fed into the model. This seed ensures reproducibility of the results, meaning that using the same seed will produce the same output. This is particularly useful for experimentation and fine-tuning.


The cfg parameter stands for "configuration" and it includes various settings that control the behavior of the sampling process. This can include parameters like the number of steps, learning rate, and other hyperparameters that influence the quality and style of the generated images.


The positive parameter is a set of positive prompts or conditions that guide the model towards generating images with certain desired attributes. This helps in steering the model to produce outputs that align with specific stylistic or thematic elements.


The negative parameter is a set of negative prompts or conditions that guide the model away from generating images with certain undesired attributes. This helps in avoiding specific styles or elements that are not wanted in the final output.


The sampler parameter specifies the sampling algorithm to be used. Different samplers can produce different types of outputs, and choosing the right one can significantly impact the quality and style of the generated images.


The sigmas parameter is a set of values that control the noise levels at different stages of the sampling process. Adjusting these values can help in fine-tuning the balance between noise and detail in the generated images.


The latent_image parameter is the initial latent representation of the image that will be refined through the sampling process. This serves as the starting point for the model to generate the final output.

StyleAligned Reference Sampler Output Parameters:


The ref_latents parameter is a tensor containing the reference latents that were sampled during the process. These latents are aligned with the specified style and can be used for further processing or analysis.


The out_noised parameter is the final output image that has been generated by the model. This image incorporates the stylistic attributes defined by the input parameters and represents the end result of the sampling process.

StyleAligned Reference Sampler Usage Tips:

  • To achieve consistent results, always use the same noise_seed when experimenting with different configurations.
  • Adjust the sigmas parameter to fine-tune the balance between noise and detail in your generated images.
  • Use the positive and negative parameters to guide the model towards or away from specific stylistic elements, ensuring that the final output aligns with your artistic vision.

StyleAligned Reference Sampler Common Errors and Solutions:

"Model not specified"

  • Explanation: The model parameter is missing or not correctly specified.
  • Solution: Ensure that you provide a valid pre-trained model in the model parameter.

"Invalid noise seed"

  • Explanation: The noise_seed parameter is not a valid integer.
  • Solution: Provide a valid integer value for the noise_seed parameter to ensure reproducibility.

"Sampler not recognized"

  • Explanation: The sampler parameter does not match any of the available sampling algorithms.
  • Solution: Verify that the sampler parameter is set to a valid sampling algorithm supported by the node.

"Latent image not provided"

  • Explanation: The latent_image parameter is missing or not correctly specified.
  • Solution: Ensure that you provide a valid initial latent representation in the latent_image parameter.

StyleAligned Reference Sampler Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
StyleAligned for ComfyUI

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