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Decomposes 2D vector into scalar components for granular operations and analyses.
The CM_BreakoutVec2
node is designed to decompose a 2-dimensional vector (Vec2) into its individual scalar components. This node is particularly useful when you need to work with or manipulate the individual x and y values of a vector separately. By breaking down a Vec2 into its constituent floats, you can perform more granular operations or analyses on each component, enhancing the flexibility and precision of your mathematical or graphical computations.
This parameter represents the 2-dimensional vector (Vec2) that you want to decompose. The vector should be provided in the form of a tuple containing two float values, representing the x and y components respectively. The default value for this parameter is VEC2_ZERO
, which corresponds to the vector (0.0, 0.0). By adjusting this input, you can specify any Vec2 that you need to break down into its scalar components.
The first output is a float representing the x component of the input Vec2. This value is extracted directly from the first element of the input vector, allowing you to use or manipulate the x component independently in subsequent operations.
The second output is a float representing the y component of the input Vec2. This value is extracted directly from the second element of the input vector, enabling you to use or manipulate the y component separately in further computations.
node when you need to isolate and work with the individual x and y components of a Vec2 for more detailed operations or analyses.a
is not a valid Vec2. - Solution: Ensure that the input is a tuple containing exactly two float values, representing the x and y components of the vector.a
to ensure the node can execute properly.RunComfy is the premier ComfyUI platform, offering ComfyUI online environment and services, along with ComfyUI workflows featuring stunning visuals. RunComfy also provides AI Playground, enabling artists to harness the latest AI tools to create incredible art.