ComfyUI > Nodes > FaceSwap > FaceSwapNode

ComfyUI Node: FaceSwapNode

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How to Install FaceSwap

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for FaceSwap
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter FaceSwap in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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FaceSwapNode Description

AI-powered face swapping node for artists, swaps faces between images with precision and flexibility using advanced algorithms.


The FaceSwapNode is a powerful tool designed for AI artists who want to seamlessly swap faces between images. This node leverages advanced face detection and swapping algorithms to identify and replace faces in a target image with those from a source image. The primary benefit of using the FaceSwapNode is its ability to handle multiple faces within an image, allowing users to specify which faces to swap, thus providing flexibility and precision in creative projects. By utilizing pre-trained models, the node ensures high-quality results, making it an essential component for artists looking to experiment with face manipulation in their digital artwork.

FaceSwapNode Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the source image containing the face you wish to swap into the target image. It is crucial as it provides the facial features that will be transferred. The input should be an image tensor, ensuring compatibility with the node's processing requirements.


The image parameter is the target image where the face swap will occur. It serves as the canvas for the face replacement, and like the face parameter, it should be provided as an image tensor. This parameter is essential for determining the context and placement of the swapped face.


This integer parameter specifies which face in the source image should be used for the swap. It is particularly useful when the source image contains multiple faces. The default value is 0, with a minimum value of 0, allowing users to select the desired face by its index.


This string parameter allows users to specify which faces in the target image should be replaced by the source face. It accepts a comma-separated list of indices, providing flexibility in selecting multiple target faces. The indices should be numeric, and the default is "0", indicating the first face in the target image.

FaceSwapNode Output Parameters:


The output of the FaceSwapNode is an image tensor that contains the target image with the swapped face(s). This output is crucial as it represents the final result of the face swap operation, allowing users to visualize and utilize the modified image in their projects. The output maintains the quality and resolution of the input images, ensuring a seamless integration of the swapped face.

FaceSwapNode Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that both the source and target images are of high quality and resolution to achieve the best results in face swapping.
  • When dealing with images containing multiple faces, carefully select the appropriate indices for both the source and target faces to ensure the desired outcome.
  • Experiment with different face indices to explore creative possibilities and achieve unique artistic effects.

FaceSwapNode Common Errors and Solutions:

Face not detected in source image

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the node is unable to identify a face in the source image, possibly due to poor image quality or incorrect face index.
  • Solution: Verify that the source image is clear and contains a visible face. Adjust the source_face_index if necessary to target the correct face.

Face not detected in target image

  • Explanation: Similar to the source image error, this occurs when no face is detected in the target image at the specified indices.
  • Solution: Ensure the target image is clear and contains visible faces. Check and adjust the target_face_indices to match the correct faces in the image.

Model loading error

  • Explanation: This error might occur if the face swap model is not properly loaded or the model path is incorrect.
  • Solution: Confirm that the model path is correct and that the necessary model files are available. Reinstall or update the model if needed.

FaceSwapNode Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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