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ComfyUI Node: ✨Gemini_API_Zho

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ZHO-ZHO-ZHO (Account age: 340 days)
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How to Install ComfyUI-Gemini

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI-Gemini
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-Gemini in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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✨Gemini_API_Zho Description

Facilitates interaction with Gemini API for AI-driven creative tasks.


The Gemini_API_Zho node is designed to facilitate seamless interaction with the Gemini API, enabling you to leverage advanced AI capabilities for various creative tasks. This node serves as a bridge between your creative projects and the powerful functionalities offered by the Gemini API, such as generating content, processing images, and handling chat interactions. By integrating this node into your workflow, you can enhance your projects with AI-driven insights and automation, making it easier to achieve your artistic goals. The primary purpose of this node is to simplify the process of accessing and utilizing the Gemini API, providing a user-friendly interface that abstracts the complexities of API interactions.

✨Gemini_API_Zho Input Parameters:


The api_key parameter is essential for authenticating your requests to the Gemini API. It ensures that only authorized users can access the API's functionalities. Without a valid API key, the node will not be able to communicate with the Gemini API, resulting in an error. This parameter does not have a default value and must be provided by the user.


The prompt parameter is a string input that serves as the primary instruction or query for the Gemini API. It guides the AI in generating the desired content or response. The prompt can be a question, a description, or any other form of textual input that you want the AI to process. This parameter supports multiline input, allowing for more complex and detailed instructions. The default value is "What is the meaning of life?".


The model_name parameter specifies the AI model to be used for generating content. It offers options such as "gemini-pro-vision" and "gemini-1.5-pro-latest", allowing you to choose the model that best suits your needs. The choice of model can impact the quality and type of content generated. The default value is "gemini-1.5-pro-latest".


The stream parameter is a boolean input that determines whether the content generation should be streamed in real-time. When set to True, the AI will provide incremental updates as it processes the prompt, which can be useful for long or complex tasks. The default value is False.


The image_url parameter is a string input that specifies the URL of an image to be processed by the Gemini API. This parameter is used when you want the AI to generate content based on an image. The URL must point to a valid image file that the API can access and download. The default value is an empty string.

✨Gemini_API_Zho Output Parameters:


The text parameter is the primary output of the Gemini_API_Zho node. It contains the content generated by the Gemini API based on the provided prompt and other input parameters. This output can be a single string or a concatenation of multiple strings, depending on the nature of the task and the input provided. The text output is designed to be easily integrated into your creative projects, providing valuable insights and content that can enhance your work.

✨Gemini_API_Zho Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that you provide a valid api_key to avoid authentication errors and ensure smooth communication with the Gemini API.
  • Use detailed and specific prompts to guide the AI in generating the desired content. The more context you provide, the better the AI can understand and respond to your request.
  • Experiment with different model_name options to find the one that best suits your needs. Different models may produce varying results in terms of quality and style.
  • If you are working with images, make sure the image_url points to a valid and accessible image file to avoid errors during content generation.
  • Utilize the stream parameter for tasks that require real-time updates, allowing you to see incremental results as the AI processes the prompt.

✨Gemini_API_Zho Common Errors and Solutions:

"API key is required"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the api_key parameter is not provided or is invalid.
  • Solution: Ensure that you have entered a valid API key in the api_key parameter. You can obtain an API key from the Gemini API provider.

"Failed to load image from URL"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the image_url parameter points to an invalid or inaccessible image file.
  • Solution: Verify that the URL provided in the image_url parameter is correct and that the image file is accessible. Ensure that the URL points to a valid image format supported by the API.

"Model name not recognized"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the model_name parameter is set to an unrecognized or unsupported model.
  • Solution: Check the available model options and ensure that you have selected a valid model name. Refer to the documentation for a list of supported models.

"Prompt cannot be empty"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the prompt parameter is left empty or contains only whitespace.
  • Solution: Provide a meaningful and non-empty prompt to guide the AI in generating the desired content. The prompt should contain sufficient context for the AI to understand and respond appropriately.

✨Gemini_API_Zho Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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