ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI-IG-Motion-I2V > ⏸️ MI2V Pause

ComfyUI Node: ⏸️ MI2V Pause

Class Name

MI2V PauseNode

🐓 IG Motion I2V Nodes/Flow
IDGallagher (Account age: 5738days)
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How to Install ComfyUI-IG-Motion-I2V

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI-IG-Motion-I2V
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-IG-Motion-I2V in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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⏸️ MI2V Pause Description

Pause execution in node-based workflows for manual intervention, data control, and conditional execution management.

⏸️ MI2V Pause:

The MI2V PauseNode is designed to provide a mechanism for pausing the execution pipeline within a node-based workflow. This node is particularly useful when you need to temporarily halt the processing of data, allowing for manual intervention or further instructions before resuming. By incorporating a boolean input parameter, the node can effectively control the flow of data, ensuring that the pipeline only proceeds when desired. This functionality is essential for scenarios where conditional execution is required, offering flexibility and control over the processing sequence. The MI2V PauseNode is a valuable tool for managing complex workflows, enabling users to introduce pauses without disrupting the overall data flow.

⏸️ MI2V Pause Input Parameters:


This parameter accepts a string input representing motion vectors. Motion vectors are typically used in video processing to describe the movement of objects between frames. The default value is an empty string, and it is a required input, meaning you must provide a value for the node to function correctly.


The motion_mask parameter is used to input a mask that defines specific areas of an image or video frame where motion is detected or should be applied. This input is of type MASK and is required, with a default value of None. Providing a motion mask allows for targeted processing of motion within specified regions.


This parameter accepts an image input, which can be a single image or a sequence of images. The images parameter is crucial for processing visual data, and it is a required input with a default value of None. By providing images, you enable the node to perform operations on the visual content.


The pause_execution parameter is a boolean input that determines whether the execution pipeline should be paused. When set to True, the node halts the processing flow, awaiting further instructions. The default value is False, allowing the pipeline to continue without interruption unless explicitly paused.

⏸️ MI2V Pause Output Parameters:


The MASK output parameter returns the same mask data that was input into the node. This output is essential for maintaining the continuity of data flow, ensuring that any mask information is preserved and passed along the pipeline.


The IMAGE output parameter provides the same image data that was input into the node. This output ensures that the visual content remains unchanged and is available for subsequent processing steps in the workflow.


The STRING output parameter returns the motion vector data that was input into the node. This output is crucial for preserving motion information, allowing it to be utilized in further processing stages.

⏸️ MI2V Pause Usage Tips:

  • Use the pause_execution parameter to introduce conditional pauses in your workflow, allowing for manual checks or adjustments before proceeding.
  • Ensure that all required inputs, such as motion_vectors, motion_mask, and images, are provided to avoid interruptions in the data flow.

⏸️ MI2V Pause Common Errors and Solutions:

Missing Required Input

  • Explanation: This error occurs when one or more required inputs are not provided to the node.
  • Solution: Ensure that all required inputs, including motion_vectors, motion_mask, and images, are supplied before executing the node.

Invalid Data Type

  • Explanation: This error arises when an input parameter is provided with an incorrect data type.
  • Solution: Verify that each input parameter is of the correct type, such as STRING for motion_vectors, MASK for motion_mask, and IMAGE for images.

Execution Not Pausing

  • Explanation: The node does not pause the execution pipeline despite setting pause_execution to True.
  • Solution: Double-check the pause_execution parameter to ensure it is explicitly set to True. If the issue persists, review the node's configuration and input connections.

⏸️ MI2V Pause Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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