ComfyUI  >  Nodes  >  ComfyUI-Lora-Auto-Trigger-Words >  LoraTagsOnly

ComfyUI Node: LoraTagsOnly

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idrirap (Account age: 3058 days)
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How to Install ComfyUI-Lora-Auto-Trigger-Words

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI-Lora-Auto-Trigger-Words
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-Lora-Auto-Trigger-Words in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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LoraTagsOnly Description

Efficiently manage and retrieve Lora model tags for AI artists, streamlining tag organization and retrieval process.


The LoraTagsOnly node is designed to help you efficiently manage and retrieve tags associated with Lora models. This node is particularly useful for AI artists who work with Lora models and need to access or organize tags for better model management and usage. By leveraging this node, you can fetch tags from both local metadata and online sources, ensuring you have the most relevant and up-to-date information. Additionally, it provides options to customize the tag retrieval process, making it flexible to suit various needs. The primary goal of this node is to streamline the process of obtaining and organizing tags, thereby enhancing your workflow and productivity.

LoraTagsOnly Input Parameters:


This parameter specifies the name of the Lora model for which you want to retrieve tags. It is a required parameter and must be selected from a predefined list of available Lora models. The list is sorted alphabetically for easy navigation.


This boolean parameter determines whether to forcefully fetch tags from online sources, even if local tags are available. The default value is False. Setting this to True ensures that you get the most recent tags from online sources, but it may take longer to execute.


This boolean parameter decides whether to append the Lora model name to the tags list if no tags are found. The default value is False. Enabling this option ensures that the Lora model name is included in the tags list, which can be useful for identification purposes.


This optional string parameter allows you to override the selected Lora model name with a custom name. This is useful if you want to fetch tags for a model that is not listed or if you want to use a different name for organizational purposes. This parameter requires manual input.

LoraTagsOnly Output Parameters:


This output parameter provides a list of tags fetched from online sources like Civitai. These tags are typically the most up-to-date and relevant, making them useful for understanding the latest trends and attributes associated with the Lora model.


This output parameter returns a list of tags retrieved from the local metadata of the Lora model. These tags are sorted by frequency, giving you an idea of the most commonly associated tags with the model. This can be particularly useful for quick reference and organization.

LoraTagsOnly Usage Tips:

  • To ensure you have the most recent tags, set the force_fetch parameter to True. This will fetch the latest tags from online sources.
  • If you find that some Lora models do not have any tags, enable the append_loraname_if_empty option to include the model name in the tags list for easier identification.
  • Use the override_lora_name parameter to fetch tags for models that are not listed or to use a custom name for better organization.

LoraTagsOnly Common Errors and Solutions:

"No informations found."

  • Explanation: This error occurs when no tags are found for the specified Lora model, either locally or online.
  • Solution: Ensure that the Lora model name is correct and try setting the force_fetch parameter to True to fetch tags from online sources.

"Error loading Lora model."

  • Explanation: This error indicates that there was an issue loading the specified Lora model.
  • Solution: Verify that the Lora model name is correct and that the model file exists in the specified directory. If the issue persists, try using the override_lora_name parameter to specify a different model name.

LoraTagsOnly Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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