ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI-Matchering > Matchering Limiter Config

ComfyUI Node: Matchering Limiter Config

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How to Install ComfyUI-Matchering

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI-Matchering
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-Matchering in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Matchering Limiter Config Description

Configure brickwall limiter parameters for audio mastering in Matchering framework, controlling dynamics to prevent distortion.

Matchering Limiter Config:

The MatcheringLimiterConfig node is designed to configure the parameters of a brickwall limiter used in audio processing. This node is part of the Matchering framework, which is a tool for audio mastering that aims to match the sound of a target audio file to a reference audio file. The limiter configuration is crucial in controlling the dynamics of the audio, ensuring that the output does not exceed a certain level, thus preventing distortion. By adjusting the attack, hold, and release times, as well as the filter coefficients and orders, you can fine-tune how the limiter responds to changes in audio levels. This node provides a flexible and powerful way to manage audio dynamics, making it an essential tool for achieving professional-quality audio mastering.

Matchering Limiter Config Input Parameters:


The attack parameter determines how quickly the limiter responds to an increase in audio level. A lower value means the limiter will react faster to peaks, which can help in controlling sudden loud sounds. The minimum value is greater than 0, and the default is 1.


The hold parameter specifies the duration for which the limiter maintains its current gain reduction after the attack phase. This helps in smoothing out the limiter's response. The minimum value is greater than 0, and the default is 1.


The release parameter controls how quickly the limiter returns to its normal state after the audio level decreases. A longer release time can prevent pumping effects. The minimum value is greater than 0, and the default is 3000.


This parameter affects the behavior of the attack phase by modifying the filter's response. It allows for fine-tuning the limiter's sensitivity to changes in audio levels. The default value is -2.


The hold_filter_order determines the complexity of the filter applied during the hold phase. A higher order can result in a more precise response. The minimum value is greater than 0, and it must be an integer. The default is 1.


This parameter adjusts the filter's characteristics during the hold phase, influencing how the limiter maintains its gain reduction. The default value is 7.


Similar to the hold filter order, the release_filter_order defines the complexity of the filter during the release phase. It must be a positive integer, with a default value of 1.


This parameter modifies the filter's behavior during the release phase, affecting how the limiter transitions back to its normal state. The default value is 800.

Matchering Limiter Config Output Parameters:


The limiter_config output is a configuration object that encapsulates all the specified parameters for the limiter. This object is used by the Matchering framework to apply the configured limiter settings during the audio processing, ensuring that the audio dynamics are controlled as per the user's specifications.

Matchering Limiter Config Usage Tips:

  • Experiment with different attack, hold, and release values to find the best settings for your specific audio material. Shorter attack times are useful for controlling transients, while longer release times can help maintain a natural sound.
  • Adjust the filter coefficients and orders to fine-tune the limiter's response. This can be particularly useful when dealing with complex audio material that requires precise control over dynamics.

Matchering Limiter Config Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid attack value

  • Explanation: The attack parameter must be greater than 0.
  • Solution: Ensure that the attack value is set to a positive number.

Invalid hold value

  • Explanation: The hold parameter must be greater than 0.
  • Solution: Set the hold value to a positive number.

Invalid release value

  • Explanation: The release parameter must be greater than 0.
  • Solution: Make sure the release value is a positive number.

Invalid filter order

  • Explanation: The hold_filter_order and release_filter_order must be positive integers.
  • Solution: Check that both filter orders are set to positive integer values.

Matchering Limiter Config Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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