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Adjust hue, saturation, and brightness of specific color ranges in images for precise color control and enhancement.
The HSLColorNode is a powerful tool designed to adjust the hue, saturation, and brightness of specific color ranges within an image. This node allows you to fine-tune the appearance of your images by targeting individual colors such as red, orange, yellow, green, light green, blue, purple, and magenta. By providing precise control over these color attributes, the HSLColorNode enables you to enhance or modify the visual impact of your images, making it an essential component for AI artists looking to achieve specific aesthetic effects or correct color imbalances. The node processes images by converting them into a format suitable for color adjustments, applying the specified changes, and then converting them back to a format that can be used in further processing or output.
The image
parameter is the input image that you want to adjust. It is expected to be in a format compatible with the node's processing functions, typically a tensor representation of the image. This parameter is crucial as it serves as the base upon which all color adjustments will be applied.
The red_hue
parameter allows you to adjust the hue of red tones in the image. It accepts integer values ranging from -30 to 30, with a default of 0. Adjusting this parameter shifts the hue of red colors, which can alter the mood or style of the image.
The red_saturation
parameter controls the intensity of red colors. It also accepts integer values from -30 to 30, with a default of 0. Increasing saturation makes reds more vivid, while decreasing it can mute the colors.
The red_brightness
parameter adjusts the brightness of red tones. It ranges from -30 to 30, with a default of 0. This parameter can be used to lighten or darken red areas, affecting the overall contrast and visibility of these colors.
The orange_hue
parameter modifies the hue of orange tones, with a range of -30 to 30 and a default of 0. This adjustment can change the perceived warmth or coolness of orange areas in the image.
The orange_saturation
parameter affects the intensity of orange colors, with values from -30 to 30 and a default of 0. Adjusting this can make oranges more vibrant or subdued.
The orange_brightness
parameter changes the brightness of orange tones, ranging from -30 to 30 with a default of 0. This can be used to enhance or reduce the prominence of orange areas.
The yellow_hue
parameter allows for hue adjustments of yellow tones, with a range of -30 to 30 and a default of 0. This can shift yellows towards greens or oranges, altering the image's color balance.
The yellow_saturation
parameter controls the intensity of yellow colors, with a range from -30 to 30 and a default of 0. It can make yellows more striking or more muted.
The yellow_brightness
parameter adjusts the brightness of yellow tones, with values from -30 to 30 and a default of 0. This can affect the visibility and contrast of yellow areas.
The green_hue
parameter modifies the hue of green tones, with a range of -30 to 30 and a default of 0. This can shift greens towards blues or yellows, impacting the image's color dynamics.
The green_saturation
parameter affects the intensity of green colors, with values from -30 to 30 and a default of 0. Adjusting this can make greens more vivid or more subdued.
The green_brightness
parameter changes the brightness of green tones, ranging from -30 to 30 with a default of 0. This can enhance or reduce the prominence of green areas.
The lightGreen_hue
parameter allows for hue adjustments of light green tones, with a range of -30 to 30 and a default of 0. This can shift light greens towards yellows or blues.
The lightGreen_saturation
parameter controls the intensity of light green colors, with a range from -30 to 30 and a default of 0. It can make light greens more striking or more muted.
The lightGreen_brightness
parameter adjusts the brightness of light green tones, with values from -30 to 30 and a default of 0. This can affect the visibility and contrast of light green areas.
The blue_hue
parameter modifies the hue of blue tones, with a range of -30 to 30 and a default of 0. This can shift blues towards greens or purples, impacting the image's color dynamics.
The blue_saturation
parameter affects the intensity of blue colors, with values from -30 to 30 and a default of 0. Adjusting this can make blues more vivid or more subdued.
The blue_brightness
parameter changes the brightness of blue tones, ranging from -30 to 30 with a default of 0. This can enhance or reduce the prominence of blue areas.
The purple_hue
parameter allows for hue adjustments of purple tones, with a range of -30 to 30 and a default of 0. This can shift purples towards blues or reds.
The purple_saturation
parameter controls the intensity of purple colors, with a range from -30 to 30 and a default of 0. It can make purples more striking or more muted.
The purple_brightness
parameter adjusts the brightness of purple tones, with values from -30 to 30 and a default of 0. This can affect the visibility and contrast of purple areas.
The magenta_hue
parameter modifies the hue of magenta tones, with a range of -30 to 30 and a default of 0. This can shift magentas towards purples or reds.
The magenta_saturation
parameter affects the intensity of magenta colors, with values from -30 to 30 and a default of 0. Adjusting this can make magentas more vivid or more subdued.
The magenta_brightness
parameter changes the brightness of magenta tones, ranging from -30 to 30 with a default of 0. This can enhance or reduce the prominence of magenta areas.
The result_img
is the output image that has undergone the specified HSL adjustments. It is returned as a tensor, ready for further processing or display. This output reflects the changes made to the hue, saturation, and brightness of the targeted color ranges, providing a visually modified version of the input image.
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