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ComfyUI Node: Openpose Keypoint Extractor

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Openpose Keypoint Extractor

hughescr (Account age: 5898days)
OpenPose Keypoint Extractor
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How to Install OpenPose Keypoint Extractor

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for OpenPose Keypoint Extractor
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter OpenPose Keypoint Extractor in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Openpose Keypoint Extractor Description

Image analysis tool for extracting human pose keypoints, leveraging OpenPose library for creative and technical applications.

Openpose Keypoint Extractor:

The Openpose Keypoint Extractor is a powerful tool designed to analyze images and extract keypoints related to human poses. This node is particularly useful for AI artists and developers who want to incorporate pose detection into their projects, allowing for the identification and manipulation of human body positions within images. By leveraging the capabilities of OpenPose, a well-known pose estimation library, this node can accurately detect and extract keypoints, which are essential for understanding human body dynamics. The extracted keypoints can be used for various applications, such as animation, augmented reality, and interactive installations, providing a robust foundation for creative and technical endeavors.

Openpose Keypoint Extractor Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the input data containing the pose keypoints, which are typically obtained from a pose detection model like OpenPose. It is crucial for the node to function as it provides the necessary information about the detected human poses in the image.


This integer parameter specifies the width of the image being processed. It is used to scale the extracted keypoints to the correct dimensions of the image. The value must be between 0 and the maximum resolution defined by the system.


Similar to image_width, this integer parameter defines the height of the image. It ensures that the keypoints are accurately mapped to the image's vertical dimension. The value should also be within the range of 0 to the maximum resolution.


This string parameter allows you to specify which keypoints you are interested in extracting. It accepts a comma-separated list of integers, each representing a specific keypoint index. This flexibility enables you to focus on particular parts of the human body, such as the head, arms, or legs.


An optional integer parameter that defaults to 0, indicating which person in the image to analyze when multiple people are detected. This allows for targeted keypoint extraction in images with more than one person.

Openpose Keypoint Extractor Output Parameters:


This output parameter represents the x-coordinate of the bounding box that encapsulates the specified keypoints. It is calculated based on the minimum x-value of the selected keypoints, scaled to the image width.


The y-coordinate of the bounding box, derived from the minimum y-value of the chosen keypoints and scaled to the image height. It helps define the vertical position of the bounding box.


This parameter indicates the width of the bounding box, calculated by the difference between the maximum and minimum x-values of the keypoints, scaled to the image width. It provides the horizontal span of the keypoints.


The height of the bounding box, determined by the difference between the maximum and minimum y-values of the keypoints, scaled to the image height. It defines the vertical span of the keypoints.

Openpose Keypoint Extractor Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the pose_keypoint data is correctly formatted and obtained from a reliable pose detection model to achieve accurate results.
  • Use the points_list parameter to focus on specific keypoints relevant to your project, which can optimize processing time and resources.

Openpose Keypoint Extractor Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid pose_keypoint data

  • Explanation: The input data for pose_keypoint is not in the expected format or is missing key information.
  • Solution: Verify that the data is correctly formatted and contains the necessary keypoints information from a compatible pose detection model.

Image dimensions out of range

  • Explanation: The values for image_width or image_height exceed the maximum resolution allowed by the system.
  • Solution: Adjust the image dimensions to fall within the acceptable range defined by the system's maximum resolution settings.

Invalid points_list format

  • Explanation: The points_list parameter contains non-integer values or is not properly formatted as a comma-separated list.
  • Solution: Ensure that the points_list is a string of comma-separated integers, each representing a valid keypoint index.

Openpose Keypoint Extractor Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
OpenPose Keypoint Extractor
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