ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI-RAVE > LatentGridDecompose

ComfyUI Node: LatentGridDecompose

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Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI-RAVE
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-RAVE in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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LatentGridDecompose Description

Decompose latent representation into grid format for spatial manipulation and analysis, with padding and randomization options for flexibility.


The LatentGridDecompose node is designed to break down a latent representation into a grid format, which can be particularly useful for tasks that require spatial manipulation or analysis of latent features. This node allows you to decompose a latent tensor into smaller, manageable parts arranged in a grid, facilitating more granular control and processing. By enabling options such as padding and randomization, it provides flexibility in how the grid is constructed, making it a powerful tool for AI artists looking to experiment with different latent configurations and achieve more refined results in their creative workflows.

LatentGridDecompose Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the latent tensor that you want to decompose. It is the core input for the node and contains the latent features that will be broken down into a grid format.


This integer parameter specifies the number of grid cells along one dimension (x-axis). It determines the granularity of the decomposition, with higher values resulting in more, smaller grid cells. The value can range from 2 to 8, with a default of 3.


This boolean parameter indicates whether padding should be added between the grid cells. Padding can help in separating the cells visually and can be useful for certain types of processing. The default value is False.


This boolean parameter controls whether the grid cells should be randomized. When set to True, the cells are shuffled randomly, which can introduce variability and randomness into the decomposition process. The default value is False.


This integer parameter sets the random seed used for shuffling the grid cells when the random parameter is enabled. It ensures reproducibility of the randomization process. The value can range from 0 to 0xffffffffffffffff, with a default of 0.

LatentGridDecompose Output Parameters:


This output parameter contains the decomposed latent tensor arranged in the specified grid format. It provides the individual grid cells as separate samples, allowing for further processing or analysis. The output is structured as a dictionary with the key "samples".

LatentGridDecompose Usage Tips:

  • To achieve a finer decomposition, increase the x_dim value, but be mindful of the computational cost as higher values result in more grid cells.
  • Use the pad_grid option to add padding between grid cells, which can help in visualizing the decomposition and preventing overlap.
  • Enable the random parameter to introduce variability in the grid arrangement, which can be useful for generating diverse outputs.
  • Set the rs parameter to a specific value to ensure reproducibility when using the random option, allowing you to recreate the same random grid arrangement.

LatentGridDecompose Common Errors and Solutions:

"Invalid x_dim value"

  • Explanation: The x_dim parameter is set to a value outside the allowed range (2 to 8).
  • Solution: Ensure that the x_dim value is within the specified range of 2 to 8.

"Invalid rs value"

  • Explanation: The rs parameter is set to a value outside the allowed range (0 to 0xffffffffffffffff).
  • Solution: Ensure that the rs value is within the specified range of 0 to 0xffffffffffffffff.

"Latents input missing"

  • Explanation: The latents parameter is not provided or is incorrectly specified.
  • Solution: Ensure that the latents input is correctly specified and contains the necessary latent tensor data.

LatentGridDecompose Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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