ComfyUI  >  Nodes  >  ComfyUI-SuperBeasts >  Pixel Deflicker (SuperBeasts.AI)

ComfyUI Node: Pixel Deflicker (SuperBeasts.AI)

Class Name

Pixel Deflicker (SuperBeasts.AI)

SuperBeastsAI (Account age: 87 days)
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How to Install ComfyUI-SuperBeasts

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI-SuperBeasts
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI-SuperBeasts in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Pixel Deflicker (SuperBeasts.AI) Description

Address flickering in image sequences with temporal smoothing and adaptive blending for stable, high-quality visuals.

Pixel Deflicker (SuperBeasts.AI):

Pixel Deflicker (SuperBeasts.AI) is designed to address the common issue of flickering in sequences of images or video frames. Flickering can occur due to variations in lighting, exposure, or other inconsistencies between frames, which can be distracting and reduce the overall quality of the visual content. This node applies temporal smoothing and adaptive blending techniques to minimize these inconsistencies, resulting in a more stable and visually appealing output. By leveraging advanced image processing methods, Pixel Deflicker ensures that the transitions between frames are smooth, enhancing the viewing experience without compromising the original quality of the images.

Pixel Deflicker (SuperBeasts.AI) Input Parameters:


This parameter takes a sequence of images that you want to process to remove flickering. The images should be provided as a list or batch of tensors. The quality and consistency of these input images directly impact the effectiveness of the deflickering process.


The window size parameter determines the number of frames considered for temporal smoothing. A larger window size can result in smoother transitions but may also introduce more latency in the changes. The default value is 5, which provides a balance between smoothness and responsiveness. Minimum value is 1, and there is no strict maximum, but very large values may affect performance.


Blending strength controls the degree to which the smoothed frames are blended with the original frames. A value of 0 means no blending (original frames are retained), while a value of 1 means full blending (only smoothed frames are used). The default value is 0.5, which provides a balanced blend. The range is from 0 to 1.


Batch size specifies the number of frames processed together in one batch. Processing in batches can improve performance, especially for large sequences of images. The default value is 10, which is a good starting point for most use cases. Adjusting this value can help optimize performance based on your hardware capabilities.

Pixel Deflicker (SuperBeasts.AI) Output Parameters:


The output is a tensor containing the deflickered sequence of images. This tensor represents the processed frames where flickering has been minimized, resulting in a smoother visual experience. The output retains the original dimensions and quality of the input images, ensuring that the deflickering process does not degrade the visual content.

Pixel Deflicker (SuperBeasts.AI) Usage Tips:

  • For optimal results, start with the default parameters and adjust the window size and blending strength based on the severity of flickering in your images.
  • If you notice performance issues, try reducing the batch size or processing smaller sequences of images at a time.
  • Experiment with different window sizes to find the best balance between smoothness and responsiveness for your specific use case.

Pixel Deflicker (SuperBeasts.AI) Common Errors and Solutions:

ValueError: Input images must be a list of tensors

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the input images are not provided in the correct format.
  • Solution: Ensure that the input images are passed as a list or batch of tensors.

IndexError: List index out of range

  • Explanation: This error can happen if the window size or batch size parameters are set incorrectly, causing the code to attempt to access frames that do not exist.
  • Solution: Verify that the window size and batch size parameters are set within the appropriate range for the number of input images.

TypeError: Unsupported image format

  • Explanation: This error indicates that the input images are not in a supported format for processing.
  • Solution: Convert your images to a supported format, such as tensors, before passing them to the node.

Pixel Deflicker (SuperBeasts.AI) Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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