ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI_Lam > 判断循环尾

ComfyUI Node: 判断循环尾

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Lam Yan (Account age: 3065days)
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How to Install ComfyUI_Lam

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI_Lam
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI_Lam in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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判断循环尾 Description

Concluding part of "do-while" loop in node-based workflow for managing iterative processes dynamically.


The DoWhileEnd node is designed to serve as the concluding part of a loop structure within a node-based workflow, specifically implementing a "do-while" loop. This node is crucial for managing iterative processes where certain operations need to be repeated until a specific condition is met. It works in conjunction with a starting node to form a complete loop, allowing for complex workflows that require repeated execution of tasks. The primary benefit of using the DoWhileEnd node is its ability to handle dynamic and conditional looping, which can be particularly useful in scenarios where the number of iterations is not predetermined. This node ensures that the loop continues to execute as long as the specified condition remains true, providing flexibility and control over the iterative process.

判断循环尾 Input Parameters:


The start parameter is a required input that signifies the beginning of the loop. It is of type DOWHILE and is linked directly to the loop's initiation point. This parameter is crucial as it establishes the connection between the start and end of the loop, ensuring that the loop can execute properly. The start parameter does not have specific minimum, maximum, or default values, as it is a link rather than a numerical input.


The ANY parameter is a required input that acts as a wildcard, allowing for flexible data types to be passed through the loop. It is represented by the AlwaysEqualProxy("*"), indicating that it can accept any data type. This parameter is essential for handling diverse data inputs within the loop, making it adaptable to various use cases. There are no specific value constraints for this parameter.


The obj parameter is another required input that functions similarly to the ANY parameter, allowing for any data type to be used within the loop. It is also represented by the AlwaysEqualProxy("*"), providing flexibility in the types of data that can be processed. This parameter is important for passing objects or data structures through the loop, enabling complex operations to be performed. Like the ANY parameter, there are no specific value constraints.


The stop parameter is a hidden input of type INT that determines the condition for terminating the loop. It is used internally to control the loop's execution and is not typically modified by the user. The default value is set to 1, but it can be adjusted as needed to meet specific loop conditions.


The dynprompt parameter is a hidden input that represents a dynamic prompt, used internally to manage the loop's execution flow. It is not directly manipulated by the user but plays a crucial role in the node's functionality.


The unique_id parameter is a hidden input that provides a unique identifier for the loop instance. This identifier is used internally to track and manage the loop's execution, ensuring that each loop instance is distinct and operates independently.


The initial_value`` parameters are hidden inputs that allow for the initialization of multiple flow sockets within the loop. These parameters are represented by * and are linked directly, providing flexibility in the types of data that can be initialized. They are crucial for setting up initial conditions or values that the loop will use during its execution. There are no specific value constraints for these parameters.

判断循环尾 Output Parameters:


The i output parameter is of type INT and represents the loop counter or index. It provides information about the number of iterations the loop has completed, which can be useful for tracking progress or for use in subsequent operations. This output is essential for understanding the loop's execution and for debugging purposes.


The endObj output parameter is represented by AlwaysEqualProxy("*") and signifies the final state or result of the object being processed through the loop. This output is important for capturing the outcome of the iterative process, allowing for further analysis or use in downstream nodes. It provides flexibility in the types of data that can be output, making it adaptable to various workflows.

判断循环尾 Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the start parameter is correctly linked to the corresponding starting node to form a complete loop structure.
  • Utilize the ANY and obj parameters to pass diverse data types through the loop, enabling complex and dynamic workflows.
  • Adjust the stop parameter as needed to control the loop's termination condition, ensuring that the loop executes the desired number of iterations.

判断循环尾 Common Errors and Solutions:

AssertionError: Node is None

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the node cannot be found or is not properly initialized within the graph.
  • Solution: Verify that all nodes are correctly defined and linked within the workflow. Ensure that the start parameter is properly connected to the corresponding starting node.

TypeError: Unsupported operand type(s)

  • Explanation: This error may arise if the data types passed through the loop are incompatible with the operations being performed.
  • Solution: Check the data types being used in the loop and ensure they are compatible with the operations. Utilize the ANY and obj parameters to handle diverse data types effectively.

ValueError: Invalid stop condition

  • Explanation: This error can occur if the stop parameter is set to an invalid value that does not allow the loop to terminate correctly.
  • Solution: Review the stop parameter and ensure it is set to a valid integer value that meets the loop's termination criteria. Adjust as necessary to achieve the desired loop behavior.

判断循环尾 Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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