ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI_Lam > 图片转视频

ComfyUI Node: 图片转视频

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Lam Yan (Account age: 3065days)
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How to Install ComfyUI_Lam

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI_Lam
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI_Lam in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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图片转视频 Description

Transform sequence of images into video for dynamic visual content creation, ideal for AI artists and creators.


The Image2Video node is designed to transform a sequence of images into a video file, providing a seamless way to create dynamic visual content from static images. This node is particularly beneficial for AI artists and creators who wish to compile their image outputs into a cohesive video format, enhancing the storytelling and presentation of their work. By converting images into video, you can easily share and display your creations in a more engaging and accessible manner. The node handles the conversion process efficiently, ensuring that the resulting video maintains the quality and resolution of the original images. This functionality is essential for creating animations, time-lapse videos, or any project where a series of images needs to be presented in a fluid, continuous format.

图片转视频 Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the sequence of images that you want to convert into a video. The images should be provided in a format that the node can process, typically as a list or array of image data. The quality and resolution of these images will directly impact the final video output, so it's important to use high-quality images for the best results.


The fps parameter stands for frames per second, which determines the speed and smoothness of the video playback. A higher fps value results in a smoother video, while a lower fps can create a more choppy effect. The choice of fps depends on the desired outcome and the nature of the images being used. Common values range from 24 to 60 fps, with 30 fps being a standard for most video content.


This parameter specifies the number of times each image is repeated in the video sequence. By adjusting the img_frame_size, you can control the duration each image is displayed in the video. A higher value will make each image appear longer, which can be useful for emphasizing certain frames or creating a slower-paced video.


The filename_prefix is used to define the naming convention for the output video file. This prefix helps in organizing and identifying the video files, especially when generating multiple videos. It is important to choose a meaningful and descriptive prefix to ensure easy retrieval and management of your video files.

图片转视频 Output Parameters:


The ui output parameter provides feedback on the success of the video creation process. It includes a message indicating the successful saving of the video file, along with the file path where the video is stored. This information is crucial for verifying that the process completed successfully and for locating the output file.


The result parameter contains the file path of the generated video. This output is essential for accessing and utilizing the video file in subsequent projects or for sharing with others. The path provided allows you to easily locate and manage the video file within your file system.

图片转视频 Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that all input images are of consistent resolution and quality to maintain a uniform appearance in the final video.
  • Experiment with different fps values to achieve the desired video smoothness and pacing, keeping in mind the nature of your content and the viewing experience you want to create.
  • Use a descriptive filename_prefix to organize your video files effectively, especially when working on multiple projects or iterations.

图片转视频 Common Errors and Solutions:

"Error: Invalid image format"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the input images are not in a supported format or are corrupted.
  • Solution: Verify that all images are in a compatible format (e.g., JPEG, PNG) and are not damaged. Convert or replace any problematic images before retrying.

"Error: FPS value out of range"

  • Explanation: The fps value provided is either too low or too high for the node to process.
  • Solution: Adjust the fps value to a standard range, typically between 24 and 60, and try again.

"Error: Output directory not found"

  • Explanation: The specified output directory for saving the video does not exist.
  • Solution: Ensure that the output directory path is correct and that the directory exists. Create the directory if necessary before proceeding.

图片转视频 Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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