ComfyUI  >  Nodes  >  ComfyUI_MagicClothing >  Human Garment Generation

ComfyUI Node: Human Garment Generation

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FrankChieng (Account age: 438 days)
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How to Install ComfyUI_MagicClothing

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI_MagicClothing
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI_MagicClothing in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Human Garment Generation Description

Generate high-quality human garment images using AI models based on prompts and input images, with customization options for artistic control.

Human Garment Generation:

The MagicClothing_Generate node is designed to facilitate the creation of high-quality human garment images based on a given prompt and input images. This node leverages advanced AI models to generate realistic and detailed clothing designs, making it an invaluable tool for AI artists looking to create custom garment visuals. By providing a cloth image and an optional mask, along with a descriptive prompt, you can generate multiple garment samples that adhere to the specified style and quality. The node also supports various customization options, such as guidance scales and sample steps, to fine-tune the output according to your artistic vision. This functionality is particularly useful for fashion designers, digital artists, and anyone interested in exploring creative garment design through AI.

Human Garment Generation Input Parameters:


This parameter accepts an image of the cloth that you want to use as the base for generating new garment designs. The quality and details of this image will significantly impact the final output. Ensure the image is clear and well-lit for the best results.


A textual description that guides the AI in generating the garment. This prompt should be detailed and specific to achieve the desired style and features in the generated garment. For example, "a red silk dress with floral patterns."


The file path to the pre-trained model that will be used for garment generation. This model contains the learned patterns and styles that the AI will apply to the input cloth image.


The file path to the pipeline configuration that dictates how the model processes the input data. This configuration ensures that the model operates correctly and efficiently.


A boolean parameter that, when enabled, uses the cloth image as a guide to influence the generated garment. This helps in maintaining the original texture and patterns of the input cloth image. Default is False.


The number of garment samples to generate. Increasing this number will provide more variations to choose from but will also require more computational resources. Default is 4.


A negative prompt that specifies what should be avoided in the generated garment. This helps in refining the output by excluding unwanted features. For example, "no stripes."


A numerical value used to initialize the random number generator for reproducibility. Using the same seed will produce the same output across different runs. Default is -1 for random seed.


The guidance scale that controls the adherence to the prompt. Higher values make the output more closely follow the prompt but may reduce creativity. Default is 7.5.


A scale that controls how much the cloth image influences the final output. Higher values will make the generated garment more similar to the input cloth image. Default is 2.5.


The number of steps the model takes to generate each sample. More steps can lead to higher quality but will increase processing time. Default is 20.


The height of the generated garment image in pixels. Ensure this value matches your desired output resolution. Default is 512.


The width of the generated garment image in pixels. Ensure this value matches your desired output resolution. Default is 384.


Specifies the version of the face identification model to use, if applicable. This can help in aligning the garment with a specific face or pose.


An optional mask image that defines the areas of the cloth image to be used in the generation process. This can help in focusing on specific parts of the cloth. Default is None.


An optional image of a face to align the garment with. This can be useful for generating garments that fit a specific person. Default is None.


An optional image that provides a pose reference for the generated garment. This helps in creating garments that fit a specific body posture. Default is None.

Human Garment Generation Output Parameters:


A list of generated garment images based on the input parameters. Each image is a high-quality representation of the garment described by the prompt and influenced by the input cloth image. These images can be used for further artistic work or as final outputs for fashion design projects.

Human Garment Generation Usage Tips:

  • Use detailed and specific prompts to guide the AI in generating the desired garment style.
  • Experiment with different guidance scales to balance between creativity and adherence to the prompt.
  • Utilize the cloth mask image to focus on specific areas of the cloth for more controlled results.
  • Adjust the number of samples and sample steps to find the optimal balance between quality and computational efficiency.

Human Garment Generation Common Errors and Solutions:

"Invalid cloth image format"

  • Explanation: The provided cloth image is not in a supported format.
  • Solution: Ensure the cloth image is in a standard format such as JPEG or PNG.

"Model path not found"

  • Explanation: The specified model path does not exist or is incorrect.
  • Solution: Verify the model path and ensure the file exists at the specified location.

"Insufficient memory"

  • Explanation: The process requires more memory than available.
  • Solution: Reduce the number of samples or the resolution of the generated images, or use a machine with more memory.

"Invalid prompt"

  • Explanation: The prompt is empty or not descriptive enough.
  • Solution: Provide a detailed and specific prompt to guide the AI effectively.

"Seed value out of range"

  • Explanation: The seed value provided is not within the acceptable range.
  • Solution: Use a seed value within the valid range or use the default value for random seed generation.

Human Garment Generation Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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