ComfyUI > Nodes > ComfyUI_Mexx_Styler > ComfyUI Mexx Styler Advanced

ComfyUI Node: ComfyUI Mexx Styler Advanced

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How to Install ComfyUI_Mexx_Styler

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI_Mexx_Styler
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI_Mexx_Styler in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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ComfyUI Mexx Styler Advanced Description

Enhance and customize text prompts for AI art generation with advanced styling techniques.

ComfyUI Mexx Styler Advanced:

The MexxSDXLPromptStylerAdvanced node is a sophisticated tool designed to enhance and customize text prompts for AI art generation. It allows you to apply advanced styling techniques to both positive and negative prompts, offering a more nuanced and detailed approach to prompt manipulation. This node is particularly beneficial for users who wish to experiment with different styles and achieve more refined control over the generated art's aesthetic. By utilizing templates and combining them with user-provided prompts, the node facilitates the creation of complex and stylistically rich prompts that can significantly influence the output of AI models. The advanced capabilities of this node make it an essential component for artists looking to push the boundaries of AI-generated art.

ComfyUI Mexx Styler Advanced Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the global positive text prompt that you want to style. It is a string input that can be multiline, allowing you to provide detailed descriptions. The global positive prompt is styled and combined with templates to enhance its impact on the generated art. There is no specific minimum or maximum value, but the default is an empty string.


This parameter is similar to text_positive_g but is intended for local positive text prompts. It allows for more localized or specific styling within the overall prompt structure. Like text_positive_g, it is a multiline string input with no specific minimum or maximum value, and the default is an empty string.


This parameter is used for the negative text prompt, which helps to specify what should be avoided in the generated art. It is a multiline string input that can be styled and combined with templates to refine the negative aspects of the prompt. The default value is an empty string, with no specific minimum or maximum value.


The style parameter allows you to select from a range of predefined styles that will be applied to the prompts. This selection influences how the prompts are styled and combined with templates, affecting the overall aesthetic of the generated art. The available styles are loaded from a directory and presented as options for you to choose from.


This parameter determines where the negative prompt should be applied. You can choose from "Both," "G only," or "L only," which specifies whether the negative prompt affects both global and local prompts, only the global prompt, or only the local prompt, respectively. The default option is "Both."


The log_prompt parameter is a toggle that allows you to enable or disable logging of the prompt styling process. When set to "Yes," it prints the style, positive and negative text, and styled prompts to the console, providing insight into the prompt transformation process. The default setting is "No."

ComfyUI Mexx Styler Advanced Output Parameters:


This output represents the styled version of the global positive text prompt. It reflects the application of the selected style and template combination, providing a refined prompt that influences the generated art's global characteristics.


This output is the styled version of the local positive text prompt. It shows how the local prompt has been enhanced through styling, contributing to specific elements or details in the generated art.


This output combines both global and local positive prompts into a single styled prompt, offering a comprehensive input for the AI model to generate art with the desired characteristics.


This output is the styled version of the global negative text prompt, indicating how the negative aspects have been refined to avoid certain features in the generated art.


This output represents the styled version of the local negative text prompt, focusing on avoiding specific details or elements in the art.


This output combines both global and local negative prompts into a single styled prompt, ensuring that the AI model avoids the specified characteristics in the generated art.

ComfyUI Mexx Styler Advanced Usage Tips:

  • Experiment with different styles to see how they affect the overall aesthetic of your generated art. This can help you find the perfect style for your project.
  • Use the log_prompt feature to understand how your prompts are being transformed. This can provide valuable insights into the styling process and help you refine your inputs for better results.
  • Consider using both global and local prompts to achieve a balance between broad stylistic changes and specific detail enhancements.

ComfyUI Mexx Styler Advanced Common Errors and Solutions:

Error: "Style not found"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the selected style is not available in the loaded styles directory.
  • Solution: Ensure that the styles directory is correctly set up and contains the necessary style files. Reload the styles if needed.

Error: "Invalid prompt input"

  • Explanation: This error indicates that one or more of the prompt inputs are not in the expected format or are missing.
  • Solution: Check that all prompt inputs are provided as strings and are not empty unless intended. Ensure that multiline inputs are correctly formatted.

Error: "Logging failed"

  • Explanation: This error may occur if there is an issue with the console output when logging is enabled.
  • Solution: Verify that your environment supports console output and that there are no restrictions on logging. Disable logging if necessary.

ComfyUI Mexx Styler Advanced Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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RunComfy is the premier ComfyUI platform, offering ComfyUI online environment and services, along with ComfyUI workflows featuring stunning visuals. RunComfy also provides AI Playground, enabling artists to harness the latest AI tools to create incredible art.