ComfyUI  >  Nodes  >  ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes >  tinyKSampler

ComfyUI Node: tinyKSampler

Class Name

ttN KSampler_v2

🌏 tinyterra/base
TinyTerra (Account age: 675 days)
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  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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tinyKSampler Description

Facilitates AI art sampling with advanced techniques for high-quality image generation and customization.


The ttN KSampler_v2 node is designed to facilitate the sampling process in AI art generation, providing a robust and flexible method for generating high-quality images. This node leverages advanced sampling techniques to refine and enhance the output, ensuring that the generated images meet the desired artistic standards. It integrates seamlessly with various models and embeddings, allowing for a high degree of customization and control over the sampling process. The primary goal of ttN KSampler_v2 is to offer a user-friendly yet powerful tool that can handle complex sampling tasks, making it an essential component for AI artists looking to produce detailed and aesthetically pleasing images.

tinyKSampler Input Parameters:


This parameter specifies the pipeline to be used for the sampling process. It determines the sequence of operations and models that will be applied to generate the final image. The pipeline ensures that all necessary steps are executed in the correct order, contributing to the overall quality and coherence of the output.


The name of the LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) model to be used. LoRA models are specialized models that can be fine-tuned for specific tasks or styles, allowing for more targeted and efficient sampling. This parameter enables the use of a particular LoRA model to influence the sampling process.


This parameter controls the strength of the LoRA model's influence on the sampling process. A higher value means the LoRA model will have a more significant impact on the generated image, while a lower value will reduce its effect. The strength can be adjusted to achieve the desired balance between the base model and the LoRA model.


Determines whether noise should be added during the sampling process. Adding noise can help in generating more diverse and creative outputs. This parameter can be set to "enable" or "disable" based on the desired outcome.


Specifies the number of steps to be taken during the sampling process. More steps generally lead to higher quality images, as the model has more opportunities to refine the output. However, increasing the number of steps also requires more computational resources and time.


The Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG) scale, which controls the trade-off between following the model's learned distribution and adhering to the provided prompts. A higher CFG value will make the model more likely to follow the prompts strictly, while a lower value allows for more creative freedom.


The name of the sampler to be used. Different samplers can produce varying results, and this parameter allows you to choose the one that best fits your needs. Examples include "Euler", "LMS", and "DPM".


Specifies the scheduler to be used for the sampling process. Schedulers determine how the sampling steps are spaced and can affect the smoothness and quality of the generated image. Options include "BasicScheduler", "KarrasScheduler", and others.


Indicates whether the output should be an image. This parameter ensures that the final result of the sampling process is in the desired format, ready for further use or display.


A prefix to be added to the filenames of saved images. This helps in organizing and identifying the generated images, especially when multiple samples are created in a single session.


Specifies the file type for the saved images, such as "png" or "jpg". This parameter allows you to choose the format that best suits your needs for quality, compression, and compatibility.


Determines whether the workflow should be embedded in the output. Embedding the workflow can be useful for reproducibility and sharing, as it includes all the steps and parameters used to generate the image.


The amount of noise to be added during the sampling process. Noise can help in exploring different variations and achieving more diverse outputs. This parameter allows fine-tuning of the noise level to balance creativity and coherence.


An optional seed for the noise generation process. Using a specific seed ensures that the noise is reproducible, allowing for consistent results across different runs.


An optional model to be used in the sampling process. This parameter provides flexibility to switch models without changing the entire pipeline, enabling quick experimentation with different model configurations.


Optional positive embeddings to guide the sampling process. Positive embeddings can help in steering the generated image towards desired features or styles.


Optional negative embeddings to guide the sampling process. Negative embeddings can help in avoiding unwanted features or styles in the generated image.


An optional latent space representation to be used in the sampling process. This parameter allows for more control over the initial conditions of the sampling, potentially leading to more targeted results.


An optional Variational Autoencoder (VAE) to be used in the sampling process. VAEs can help in improving the quality and coherence of the generated images by providing a better latent space representation.


An optional CLIP model to be used in the sampling process. CLIP models can help in aligning the generated images with the provided text prompts, ensuring that the output matches the desired description.


An optional input image to override the default starting point of the sampling process. This parameter allows for starting the sampling from a specific image, which can be useful for tasks like image-to-image translation or style transfer.


An advanced parameter for controlling the XY plot generation during the sampling process. This parameter allows for more detailed customization of the plot, which can be useful for analyzing the sampling steps and results.


Specifies the method to be used for upscaling the generated image. Upscaling methods can enhance the resolution and quality of the output, making it suitable for different use cases. Options include "nearest", "bilinear", and "bicubic".


The name of the model to be used for upscaling. Different models can produce varying results, and this parameter allows you to choose the one that best fits your needs.


The upscaling factor to be applied to the generated image. This parameter determines how much the image will be enlarged, with higher values resulting in larger images.


Determines whether the generated image should be rescaled. Rescaling can help in adjusting the image dimensions to fit specific requirements or constraints.


Specifies the percentage by which the image should be rescaled. This parameter allows for precise control over the rescaling process, ensuring that the final image meets the desired dimensions.


The desired width of the generated image. This parameter allows for setting a specific width, which can be useful for ensuring that the image fits within certain constraints or requirements.


The desired height of the generated image. This parameter allows for setting a specific height, ensuring that the image meets the desired dimensions.


Specifies the length of the longer side of the generated image. This parameter can be useful for maintaining the aspect ratio while adjusting the image size.


Determines whether the generated image should be cropped. Cropping can help in focusing on specific parts of the image or adjusting the composition to fit certain requirements.


The text prompt to guide the sampling process. This parameter provides the main input for the model, describing the desired content or style of the generated image.


Additional information to be embedded in the PNG file. This parameter allows for including metadata or other relevant details in the output image.


A unique identifier for the sampling process. This parameter can help in tracking and organizing different sampling runs, ensuring that each output is easily identifiable.


Specifies the step at which the sampling process should start. This parameter allows for resuming or modifying the sampling process from a specific point, which can be useful for iterative refinement.


Specifies the step at which the sampling process should end. This parameter allows for controlling the duration of the sampling, ensuring that it stops at the desired point.


Determines whether the output should include any leftover noise. This parameter can be useful for analyzing the noise distribution or for further processing.

tinyKSampler Output Parameters:


The final image generated by the sampling process. This output represents the culmination of all the steps and parameters applied, resulting in a high-quality and coherent image that meets the desired artistic standards.


The noise distribution used during the sampling process. This output provides insight into the noise characteristics, which can be useful for further analysis or for reproducing the results.


The latent space representation of the generated image. This output can be useful for understanding the underlying features and structure of the image, as well as for further processing or manipulation.

tinyKSampler Usage Tips:

  • Experiment with different sampler names and schedulers to find the combination that produces the best results for your specific task.
  • Adjust the CFG scale to balance between following the prompts strictly and allowing for creative freedom.
  • Use the optional parameters like optional_model, optional_positive, and optional_negative to fine-tune the sampling process and achieve more targeted results.
  • Leverage the upscale_method and upscale_model_name parameters to enhance the resolution and quality of the generated images.

tinyKSampler Common Errors and Solutions:

"Invalid pipeline specified"

  • Explanation: The pipeline parameter is not correctly set or is missing.
  • Solution: Ensure that the pipeline parameter is specified and correctly configured.

"LoRA model not found"

  • Explanation: The specified LoRA model name does not exist or is not accessible.
  • Solution: Verify that the LoRA model name is correct and that the model is available in the specified location.

"Invalid noise seed"

  • Explanation: The noise seed parameter is not a valid integer.
  • Solution: Ensure that the noise seed is specified as a valid integer value.

"Sampling steps exceeded limit"

  • Explanation: The number of sampling steps exceeds the allowed limit.
  • Solution: Reduce the number of steps to within the allowed limit and try again.

"Unsupported file type"

  • Explanation: The specified file type for saving the image is not supported.
  • Solution: Choose a supported file type such as "png" or "jpg" and try again.

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