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ComfyUI Node: pipeEDIT

Class Name

ttN pipeEDIT

🌏 tinyterra/pipe
TinyTerra (Account age: 675 days)
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How to Install ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI_tinyterraNodes in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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pipeEDIT Description

Enhance pipeline processing capabilities by modifying components for detailed AI outputs.


The ttN pipeEDIT node is designed to enhance and refine the pipeline processing capabilities within the tinyterra ecosystem. This node allows you to modify and update various components of a pipeline, integrating additional models and detectors to achieve more detailed and accurate results. By leveraging this node, you can seamlessly incorporate bounding box detectors, segmentation models, and other detailing hooks, thereby improving the overall quality and precision of your AI-generated outputs. The primary goal of ttN pipeEDIT is to provide a flexible and powerful tool for refining and customizing your pipeline, ensuring that you can achieve the desired level of detail and accuracy in your projects.

pipeEDIT Input Parameters:


The pipe parameter represents the initial pipeline that you want to edit. It is a complex data structure that contains various components such as models, conditioning, latent variables, and other elements necessary for the pipeline's operation. This parameter is essential as it serves as the base pipeline that will be modified and enhanced by the ttN pipeEDIT node.


The bbox_detector parameter is used to specify a bounding box detector model. This model is responsible for identifying and delineating objects within an image, providing crucial information for further processing and refinement. The inclusion of a bounding box detector can significantly enhance the accuracy and detail of the final output.


The wildcard parameter allows you to specify additional customization options in the form of a string. This string can contain various specifications and settings that will be applied to the pipeline. If left empty, this option will be ignored. This parameter provides flexibility and allows for fine-tuning of the pipeline according to specific requirements.


The sam_model_opt parameter is optional and allows you to include a SAM (Segmentation and Masking) model in the pipeline. This model can be used to perform advanced segmentation tasks, further enhancing the detail and accuracy of the output. Including a SAM model can be particularly useful for projects that require precise object segmentation.


The segm_detector_opt parameter is another optional input that allows you to include a segmentation detector model in the pipeline. This model can be used to detect and segment various objects within an image, providing additional layers of detail and refinement. This parameter is useful for projects that require detailed segmentation information.


The detailer_hook parameter is optional and allows you to include a detailing hook in the pipeline. This hook can be used to apply additional processing and refinement steps, further enhancing the quality and detail of the final output. This parameter provides an additional layer of customization and control over the pipeline.

pipeEDIT Output Parameters:


The detailer_pipe output parameter represents the modified and enhanced pipeline. This pipeline includes all the additional models and detectors specified in the input parameters, providing a more detailed and accurate output. The detailer_pipe is the primary output of the ttN pipeEDIT node and can be used for further processing or final output generation.


The pipe output parameter represents the original pipeline, which remains unchanged. This output allows you to retain the original pipeline for reference or further use, ensuring that you have access to both the modified and unmodified versions of the pipeline.

pipeEDIT Usage Tips:

  • To achieve the best results, ensure that you provide a well-defined bounding box detector model in the bbox_detector parameter, as this will significantly enhance the accuracy of object detection within the pipeline.
  • Utilize the wildcard parameter to fine-tune the pipeline according to your specific requirements. This parameter allows for additional customization and can help you achieve the desired level of detail and accuracy.
  • Consider including a SAM model or segmentation detector in the sam_model_opt and segm_detector_opt parameters if your project requires advanced segmentation capabilities. These models can provide additional layers of detail and refinement.

pipeEDIT Common Errors and Solutions:

"Invalid pipe structure"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the provided pipe parameter does not have the expected structure or is missing essential components.
  • Solution: Ensure that the pipe parameter is correctly defined and contains all the necessary components required for the pipeline's operation.

"Bounding box detector not found"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the specified bbox_detector model is not found or is incorrectly specified.
  • Solution: Verify that the bbox_detector parameter is correctly specified and that the model is available and accessible.

"Segmentation model not provided"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the sam_model_opt or segm_detector_opt parameters are required but not provided.
  • Solution: Ensure that you include the necessary segmentation models in the sam_model_opt and segm_detector_opt parameters if your project requires advanced segmentation capabilities.

"Detailing hook failed"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the detailer_hook parameter is specified but the detailing process fails.
  • Solution: Verify that the detailer_hook parameter is correctly specified and that the detailing process is compatible with the pipeline.

pipeEDIT Related Nodes

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