ComfyUI > Nodes > Comfy_KepListStuff > Join Image Lists

ComfyUI Node: Join Image Lists

Class Name

Join Image Lists

List Stuff
M1kep (Account age: 4515days)
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How to Install Comfy_KepListStuff

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for Comfy_KepListStuff
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter Comfy_KepListStuff in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Join Image Lists Description

Combine multiple image lists into a unified list for streamlined workflow and analysis.

Join Image Lists:

The Join Image Lists node is designed to seamlessly combine multiple lists of images into a single, unified list. This node is particularly useful when you have several image datasets or collections that you want to merge for further processing or analysis. By joining these lists, you can streamline your workflow, making it easier to manage and manipulate large sets of images. The node not only consolidates the images but also provides information about the size of each input list, which can be valuable for understanding the distribution and quantity of images being processed. This functionality is essential for AI artists who work with complex image datasets, as it simplifies the task of handling multiple image sources and ensures that all images are readily available for subsequent operations.

Join Image Lists Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the first required list of images to be joined. It is a mandatory input and serves as the primary list that will be combined with others. The list should contain image data, and its size will be included in the output sizes list.


This parameter is the second required list of images that will be joined with the first list. Like In1, it is a mandatory input and should contain image data. The size of this list will also be reflected in the output sizes list.


This is an optional parameter that allows you to include a third list of images in the joining process. If provided, the images in this list will be appended to the joined list, and its size will be recorded in the output sizes list.


Similar to In3, this optional parameter lets you add a fourth list of images to the joining operation. If used, the images will be added to the final list, and the size of this list will be included in the output sizes list.


This optional parameter allows for the inclusion of a fifth list of images. If specified, the images will be appended to the joined list, and the size of this list will be part of the output sizes list.

Join Image Lists Output Parameters:


This output parameter is the combined list of all images from the input lists. It contains all the images from the provided lists, merged into a single list, allowing for easy access and further processing.


This output parameter provides a list of integers, each representing the size of the corresponding input list. It helps you understand how many images were in each input list before they were joined, offering insight into the distribution of images across the inputs.

Join Image Lists Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that all input lists contain valid image data to avoid errors during the joining process.
  • Use the Sizes output to verify that all intended images have been included in the joined list, especially when working with large datasets.
  • Take advantage of the optional input parameters to dynamically adjust the number of lists you want to join, based on your specific needs.

Join Image Lists Common Errors and Solutions:

Mismatched input types

  • Explanation: This error occurs when one or more of the input lists do not contain image data.
  • Solution: Verify that all input lists are correctly formatted and contain valid image data before attempting to join them.

NoneType object error

  • Explanation: This error may arise if an optional input list is not provided and is accessed during processing.
  • Solution: Ensure that optional inputs are either provided or handled appropriately in your workflow to prevent accessing NoneType objects.

Join Image Lists Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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