ComfyUI Node: XYAny

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List Stuff
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How to Install Comfy_KepListStuff

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for Comfy_KepListStuff
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter Comfy_KepListStuff in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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XYAny Description

Facilitates creating combinations from multiple lists for comprehensive pairings in testing, analysis, or creative projects.


The XYAny node is designed to facilitate the creation of combinations from multiple lists, allowing you to explore a wide range of possibilities by pairing elements from these lists. This node is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to generate a comprehensive set of combinations for testing, analysis, or creative exploration. By leveraging the power of Cartesian products, the XYAny node can efficiently produce all possible pairings between elements of the provided lists, ensuring that you have a complete set of data to work with. This capability is essential for tasks that require thorough examination of variable interactions or for generating diverse outputs in creative projects.

XYAny Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the first list of elements that you want to combine with the second list. It can contain any type of data, allowing for flexibility in the types of combinations you wish to create. The elements in this list will be paired with those in the Y list to form the Cartesian product.


Similar to the X parameter, this is the second list of elements that will be combined with the first list. The Y list can also contain any type of data, and each element in this list will be paired with each element in the X list to generate all possible combinations.


This parameter provides a fallback label for the X list elements. It can be set to either a string or a number, with the default being a string. This label is used when specific labels for the X elements are not provided, ensuring that each element can be identified in the output.


This parameter serves the same purpose as the X_Label_Fallback but applies to the Y list elements. It provides a default label for the Y elements, which can be a string or a number, with the default being a string. This ensures that each Y element is identifiable in the output.


This parameter is used to provide a fallback label for the Z list elements, if applicable. Like the other fallback labels, it can be a string or a number, with the default being a string. This label is used when specific labels for the Z elements are not provided.

Z (optional)

This optional parameter allows you to include a third list of elements in the combination process. If provided, each element in the Z list will be combined with the pairs generated from the X and Y lists, resulting in a more extensive set of combinations.

X_Labels (optional)

This optional parameter allows you to specify custom labels for the elements in the X list. If provided, these labels will be used in the output instead of the X_Label_Fallback, offering more precise identification of each element.

Y_Labels (optional)

Similar to X_Labels, this optional parameter lets you provide custom labels for the Y list elements. These labels will replace the Y_Label_Fallback in the output, allowing for more accurate identification of each Y element.

Z_Labels (optional)

This optional parameter allows you to specify custom labels for the Z list elements. If provided, these labels will be used in the output instead of the Z_Label_Fallback, ensuring that each Z element is clearly identified.

XYAny Output Parameters:

X Values

This output contains the list of X elements that have been combined with the Y elements. It reflects the expanded set of X values after the Cartesian product operation.

X Labels

This output provides the labels for the X values, either from the custom X_Labels provided or the X_Label_Fallback. It ensures that each X value is easily identifiable.

Y Values

This output contains the list of Y elements that have been combined with the X elements. It represents the expanded set of Y values after the Cartesian product operation.

Y Labels

This output provides the labels for the Y values, either from the custom Y_Labels provided or the Y_Label_Fallback. It ensures that each Y value is easily identifiable.

Z Values

If the Z list is provided, this output contains the list of Z elements that have been combined with the X and Y pairs. It represents the expanded set of Z values after the combination process.

Z Labels

This output provides the labels for the Z values, either from the custom Z_Labels provided or the Z_Label_Fallback. It ensures that each Z value is easily identifiable.

Total Images

This output provides the total number of combinations generated by the node. It reflects the size of the Cartesian product and is useful for understanding the scope of the output.

Split Every

This output indicates the number of Y elements, which can be used to understand how the combinations are structured, especially when dealing with large datasets.

XYAny Usage Tips:

  • To maximize the utility of the XYAny node, ensure that your input lists (X, Y, and optionally Z) are well-defined and contain the elements you wish to explore in combination. This will help you generate meaningful and comprehensive outputs.
  • Utilize the optional label parameters (X_Labels, Y_Labels, Z_Labels) to provide clear and descriptive labels for your elements. This will make it easier to interpret the results and identify specific combinations.

XYAny Common Errors and Solutions:

Missing Input Lists

  • Explanation: This error occurs when one or more of the required input lists (X or Y) are not provided.
  • Solution: Ensure that both the X and Y lists are supplied with valid data before executing the node.

Invalid Label Type

  • Explanation: This error arises when the fallback labels are not set to a valid type (string or number).
  • Solution: Check that the X_Label_Fallback, Y_Label_Fallback, and Z_Label_Fallback are set to either a string or a number, as required.

Mismatched Label Lengths

  • Explanation: This error happens when the custom labels provided do not match the length of their respective lists.
  • Solution: Verify that the length of X_Labels, Y_Labels, and Z_Labels matches the length of the X, Y, and Z lists, respectively.

XYAny Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
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