ComfyUI  >  Nodes  >  ControlFlowUtils >  🗒️ Memory Storage

ComfyUI Node: 🗒️ Memory Storage

Class Name


🐺 VykosX-ControlFlowUtils
VykosX (Account age: 2024 days)
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How to Install ControlFlowUtils

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ControlFlowUtils
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ControlFlowUtils in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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🗒️ Memory Storage Description

Persistent data caching for workflow efficiency and accuracy with unique identifier control.

🗒️ Memory Storage:

The MemoryStorage node is designed to help you manage and cache values across multiple executions of your workflow, providing persistent data that can be manipulated on demand. This node is particularly useful when you need to store intermediate results or configurations that will be reused later in your workflow. By using a unique and case-sensitive identifier, you can ensure that the stored data is easily accessible and can be reset or ignored based on your specific needs. This functionality is essential for complex workflows where maintaining state across different stages is crucial for efficiency and accuracy.

🗒️ Memory Storage Input Parameters:


This parameter is a unique and case-sensitive identifier for the Memory Storage. It ensures that the stored data can be easily accessed and managed. The identifier must be a string, and it is crucial to use a unique name to avoid conflicts with other stored values. There is no default value for this parameter, and it must be provided by the user.


This parameter represents the value to set the Memory Storage to and to pass through. It can be of any type, and it is required to force input. This value will be stored in the Memory Storage and can be retrieved or manipulated in subsequent workflow executions.


This boolean parameter, when enabled, forcefully clears the Memory Storage. It is useful when you need to reset the stored data to its initial state. The default value is False, meaning the Memory Storage will not be cleared unless explicitly specified.


This boolean parameter specifies whether the Memory Storage should ignore Null values. If enabled, Null values will be accepted and stored; otherwise, they will be ignored. The default value is False, meaning Null values will not be stored unless explicitly allowed.

🗒️ Memory Storage Output Parameters:


This parameter represents the data that will be forwarded to other nodes after caching. It can be of any type and will contain the value that was set in the Memory Storage. This output is essential for passing the stored data to subsequent nodes in your workflow, ensuring that the cached values are utilized effectively.

🗒️ Memory Storage Usage Tips:

  • Use a unique and descriptive name for the Memory Storage to avoid conflicts and ensure easy access to the stored data.
  • Enable the Reset parameter when you need to clear the stored data and start fresh, especially in iterative workflows.
  • Consider enabling the AcceptNulls parameter if your workflow may produce Null values that need to be stored and processed later.
  • Utilize the Output parameter to pass the stored data to subsequent nodes, ensuring that your workflow can efficiently reuse cached values.

🗒️ Memory Storage Common Errors and Solutions:

"Memory Storage identifier not found"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the specified Name identifier does not match any existing Memory Storage.
  • Solution: Ensure that the Name parameter is correctly specified and matches the identifier used in previous nodes.

"Null value not accepted"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when a Null value is provided, but the AcceptNulls parameter is disabled.
  • Solution: Enable the AcceptNulls parameter if you need to store Null values, or ensure that the input value is not Null.

"Failed to reset Memory Storage"

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the Reset parameter is enabled, but the Memory Storage cannot be cleared.
  • Solution: Verify that the Memory Storage identifier is correct and that there are no issues with the underlying storage mechanism.

🗒️ Memory Storage Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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