ComfyUI > Nodes > MBM's Music Visualizer > Audio Loader

ComfyUI Node: Audio Loader

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MBM's Music Visualizer
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How to Install MBM's Music Visualizer

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for MBM's Music Visualizer
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter MBM's Music Visualizer in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Audio Loader Description

Facilitates loading audio files for processing and visualization in MBM's Music Visualizer using librosa library.

Audio Loader:

The mbmAudioLoader node is a crucial component of MBM's Music Visualizer, designed to facilitate the loading of audio files for further processing and visualization. This node leverages the librosa library to read audio data, making it accessible for subsequent analysis or transformation tasks. By providing a streamlined method to import audio files, the mbmAudioLoader node simplifies the workflow for AI artists who wish to incorporate audio elements into their creative projects. Its primary function is to ensure that audio files are correctly loaded and ready for feature extraction or other audio-related operations, thus serving as the foundational step in audio processing pipelines.

Audio Loader Input Parameters:


The filepath parameter is a required input that specifies the path to the audio file you wish to load. This parameter is automatically populated with a list of available audio files from a designated input directory, filtered by supported audio extensions. The selection of a valid file from this list is crucial as it determines the audio data that will be processed by the node. There are no explicit minimum or maximum values for this parameter, but it must correspond to a valid file path within the specified directory.

Audio Loader Output Parameters:


The AUDIO output provides the loaded audio data in a format that can be used for further processing. This output is essential for any subsequent nodes that require audio input, as it contains the waveform data extracted from the specified file. The AUDIO output ensures that the audio is in a usable state for analysis or transformation.


The FILENAME output returns the name of the audio file without its extension. This output is useful for tracking and referencing the specific audio file being processed, especially in workflows that involve multiple audio files. It allows you to easily identify the source of the audio data.

Audio Loader Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that your audio files are placed in the correct input directory specified by the node to avoid any file not found errors.
  • Use the FILENAME output to keep track of which audio file is being processed, especially when working with multiple files in a batch process.

Audio Loader Common Errors and Solutions:


  • Explanation: This error occurs when the specified audio file cannot be found in the input directory.
  • Solution: Verify that the file exists in the correct directory and that the filepath parameter is correctly set to a valid file name.


  • Explanation: This error is raised when the selected file is not in a supported audio format.
  • Solution: Ensure that the audio file has a valid extension that is included in the AUDIO_EXTENSIONS list. Convert the file to a supported format if necessary.

Audio Loader Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
MBM's Music Visualizer
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