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ComfyUI Node: Deep Danbooru Caption

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Art Venture/Utils
sipherxyz (Account age: 1158 days)
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How to Install comfyui-art-venture

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  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter comfyui-art-venture in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Deep Danbooru Caption Description

Automated image caption generation using DeepDanbooru model for efficient image annotation and organization.

Deep Danbooru Caption:

DeepDanbooruCaption is a powerful node designed to generate descriptive captions for images using the DeepDanbooru model. This node leverages a pre-trained neural network to analyze the content of an image and produce a list of relevant tags, which are then formatted into a coherent caption. The primary benefit of using DeepDanbooruCaption is its ability to automate the process of image annotation, making it easier for AI artists to organize and search through large collections of images. By providing detailed and accurate captions, this node helps enhance the metadata associated with images, facilitating better content management and retrieval.

Deep Danbooru Caption Input Parameters:


This parameter accepts the image that you want to caption. The image should be in a format that can be processed by the DeepDanbooru model, typically a PIL image or a tensor. The quality and content of the image will directly impact the accuracy and relevance of the generated caption.


This parameter sets the minimum probability for a tag to be included in the caption. Tags with a probability below this threshold will be ignored. The threshold value ranges from 0 to 1, with a default value that balances precision and recall. Lowering the threshold will include more tags, potentially increasing noise, while raising it will result in fewer, more confident tags.


This boolean parameter determines whether the tags should be sorted alphabetically. If set to True, the tags in the caption will be sorted in alphabetical order. If False, the tags will be sorted by their probability scores in descending order. The default value is False.


This boolean parameter specifies whether underscores in tags should be replaced with spaces. If set to True, tags like high_resolution will be converted to high resolution. This can make the caption more readable. The default value is True.


This boolean parameter indicates whether special characters in tags should be escaped. If set to True, characters like ( and ) will be escaped to prevent issues in certain applications. The default value is False.


This parameter allows you to specify a comma-separated list of tags to be excluded from the caption. Tags in this list will be filtered out, regardless of their probability scores. This is useful for removing unwanted or irrelevant tags.


This parameter determines the device on which the model will run. Options include "CPU", "GPU", and "AUTO". The default value is "AUTO", which allows the node to automatically select the best available device.


This parameter allows you to add a prefix to the generated caption. The prefix will be prepended to the list of tags, separated by a comma. This can be useful for adding context or categorization to the caption.


This parameter allows you to add a suffix to the generated caption. The suffix will be appended to the list of tags, separated by a comma. This can be useful for adding additional context or categorization to the caption.


This boolean parameter controls whether the caption generation is enabled. If set to False, the node will return an empty caption with the specified prefix and suffix. The default value is True.

Deep Danbooru Caption Output Parameters:


This output parameter provides the generated caption as a string. The caption consists of a comma-separated list of tags that describe the content of the input image. The tags are selected based on their probability scores and the specified threshold, and they can be formatted according to the sort_alpha, use_spaces, and escape parameters. The prefix and suffix, if provided, are included in the final caption.

Deep Danbooru Caption Usage Tips:

  • To improve the accuracy of the generated captions, ensure that the input images are clear and of high quality.
  • Adjust the threshold parameter to balance between including more tags and maintaining the relevance of the tags.
  • Use the filter_tags parameter to exclude common or irrelevant tags that do not add value to the caption.
  • Experiment with the sort_alpha, use_spaces, and escape parameters to find the most readable and useful format for your captions.
  • Utilize the prefix and suffix parameters to add contextual information to the captions, making them more informative and useful for your specific needs.

Deep Danbooru Caption Common Errors and Solutions:

Model file not found

  • Explanation: The DeepDanbooru model file could not be located in the specified directory.
  • Solution: Ensure that the model file is downloaded correctly and placed in the appropriate directory. You can use the download_model function to automatically download the required model file.

CUDA out of memory

  • Explanation: The GPU does not have enough memory to process the image.
  • Solution: Reduce the size of the input image or switch to CPU mode by setting the device_mode parameter to "CPU".

Invalid image format

  • Explanation: The input image is not in a format that can be processed by the DeepDanbooru model.
  • Solution: Convert the image to a compatible format, such as a PIL image or a tensor, before passing it to the node.

Threshold value out of range

  • Explanation: The threshold parameter is set to a value outside the acceptable range of 0 to 1. - Solution: Adjust the threshold parameter to a value between 0 and 1.

Empty caption generated

  • Explanation: The enabled parameter is set to False, or no tags met the specified threshold.
  • Solution: Ensure that the enabled parameter is set to True and consider lowering the threshold parameter to include more tags.

Deep Danbooru Caption Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.

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