ComfyUI Node: Face Align

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Haoming02 (Account age: 1588days)
ComfyUI Old Photo Restoration
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How to Install ComfyUI Old Photo Restoration

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for ComfyUI Old Photo Restoration
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI Old Photo Restoration in the search bar
After installation, click the Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Face Align Description

Specialized node for aligning faces in old photos, crucial for restoration by correcting distortions and misalignments.

Face Align:

Stage4 is a specialized node designed for the alignment of faces in old photographs, enhancing the overall restoration process. This node plays a crucial role in preparing images for further enhancement by ensuring that facial features are correctly aligned, which is essential for achieving high-quality restoration results. By focusing on face alignment, Stage4 helps to correct distortions and misalignments that may have occurred over time or due to the original capture conditions. This alignment process is particularly beneficial when dealing with historical or degraded images, as it lays the groundwork for subsequent enhancement stages, ultimately contributing to a more accurate and visually pleasing restoration.

Face Align Input Parameters:


The image parameter is a required input that represents the photograph you wish to restore. It is expected to be in the form of a tensor, which is a data structure commonly used in machine learning to represent images. This parameter is crucial as it provides the base content that will undergo face alignment. The quality and resolution of the input image can significantly impact the effectiveness of the alignment process.


The faces parameter is a list of detected faces within the input image. Each face is represented as an image object, and this parameter is essential for the node to identify and align facial features accurately. The presence of correctly detected faces ensures that the alignment process targets the right areas of the image, leading to better restoration outcomes.


The hr parameter is a boolean flag that indicates whether high-resolution processing should be applied. By default, this parameter is set to False. When set to True, the node employs a high-resolution alignment method, which can be beneficial for images with fine details or when a higher level of precision is required. This option allows you to tailor the alignment process to the specific needs of your project, balancing between processing time and output quality.

Face Align Output Parameters:


The output of Stage4 is an IMAGE, which is the aligned version of the input photograph. This output is crucial as it serves as the foundation for further enhancement and restoration processes. The aligned image ensures that facial features are correctly positioned, which is vital for achieving realistic and high-quality restoration results. The output image is returned as a tensor, ready for subsequent processing stages.

Face Align Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the faces parameter accurately represents the faces in the image to achieve optimal alignment results.
  • Consider setting the hr parameter to True for images with high detail or when precision is critical, but be mindful of the increased processing time.
  • Use high-quality input images to maximize the effectiveness of the face alignment process.

Face Align Common Errors and Solutions:

Dependency cycle detected

  • Explanation: This error occurs when there is a cycle in the node dependencies, meaning that the nodes are referencing each other in a loop, preventing execution.
  • Solution: Review the node connections to ensure there are no circular dependencies. Adjust the node graph to break the cycle and allow for proper execution.

Incorrect input type for image

  • Explanation: This error arises when the image parameter is not provided as a tensor, which is the expected format.
  • Solution: Convert the input image to a tensor format before passing it to the node to ensure compatibility.

Missing or incorrect faces parameter

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the faces parameter is not provided or does not accurately represent the faces in the image.
  • Solution: Ensure that the faces parameter is correctly populated with detected faces from the input image to enable proper alignment.

Face Align Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
ComfyUI Old Photo Restoration
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