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ComfyUI Node: LoRAScheduler

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asagi4 (Account age: 449 days)
ComfyUI prompt control
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How to Install ComfyUI prompt control

Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  ComfyUI prompt control
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter ComfyUI prompt control in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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LoRAScheduler Description

Enhance AI art generation with dynamic LoRA model scheduling for nuanced outputs.


The LoRAScheduler node is designed to enhance your AI art generation process by allowing you to apply LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) schedules to your model based on a provided text input. This node is particularly useful for artists who want to dynamically adjust the influence of different LoRA models throughout the generation process, enabling more nuanced and controlled outputs. By parsing a text-based schedule, the LoRAScheduler can apply different LoRA models at specified steps, giving you the flexibility to fine-tune your model's behavior and achieve desired artistic effects.

LoRAScheduler Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the AI model to which the LoRA schedules will be applied. The model serves as the base for all subsequent modifications and is essential for the node's operation. The model should be pre-trained and compatible with LoRA adjustments to ensure effective application of the schedules.


This parameter is a multiline string input that contains the LoRA schedules in a specific format. The text should outline the different LoRA models to be applied and the steps at which they should be activated. Proper formatting of this schedule is crucial for the node to parse and apply the LoRA models correctly. The text input allows for a high degree of customization, enabling you to specify complex sequences of LoRA applications.

LoRAScheduler Output Parameters:


The output is the modified AI model with the LoRA schedules applied as specified in the text input. This model will have the dynamic adjustments integrated, allowing for more controlled and varied outputs during the generation process. The modified model can then be used in subsequent nodes or processes to generate art with the desired characteristics.

LoRAScheduler Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that your text input for the LoRA schedules is well-formatted and clearly specifies the steps and corresponding LoRA models to avoid parsing errors.
  • Experiment with different LoRA schedules to see how varying the influence of different models at different steps affects your final output.
  • Use this node in combination with other scheduling nodes to create complex and highly customized generation workflows.

LoRAScheduler Common Errors and Solutions:

Invalid schedule format

  • Explanation: The text input for the LoRA schedules is not formatted correctly, making it impossible for the node to parse.
  • Solution: Double-check the format of your text input and ensure it follows the required structure for specifying LoRA schedules.

Model compatibility issue

  • Explanation: The provided model is not compatible with LoRA adjustments, leading to errors during the application of schedules.
  • Solution: Verify that the model you are using supports LoRA modifications and is properly pre-trained for such adjustments.

Missing LoRA models

  • Explanation: The specified LoRA models in the text input are not available or loaded, causing the node to fail in applying the schedules.
  • Solution: Ensure that all referenced LoRA models are available and correctly loaded into the environment before running the node.

LoRAScheduler Related Nodes

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ComfyUI prompt control

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