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ComfyUI Node: Save Image With Prompt Data

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Save Image With Prompt Data

bash-j (Account age: 4196 days)
Mikey Nodes
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Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  Mikey Nodes
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter Mikey Nodes in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Save Image With Prompt Data Description

Save images conditionally based on specified criteria, include prompt data and metadata for tracking and reproduction.

Save Image With Prompt Data:

The Save Image With Prompt Data node is designed to save images conditionally based on a specified save condition. This node is particularly useful for AI artists who want to automate the process of saving generated images only when certain criteria are met. By leveraging this node, you can ensure that only the images meeting your predefined conditions are saved, thereby optimizing your workflow and storage management. The node also allows you to include prompt data and additional metadata in the saved images, which can be beneficial for tracking and reproducing specific image generation settings.

Save Image With Prompt Data Input Parameters:


This parameter represents the image to be potentially saved. It is the core input for the node and should be provided in the appropriate format expected by the node.


The save_condition parameter determines whether the image will be saved or not. It accepts an integer value where 0 means the image will not be saved, and 1 means the image will be saved. The default value is 0, ensuring that images are not saved unless explicitly specified.


This parameter allows you to specify a prefix for the filename of the saved image. It accepts a string value and can be used to organize and identify saved images more effectively. The default value is an empty string.


This hidden parameter is used to include the prompt data associated with the image generation. It is not required to be set manually as it is handled internally by the node.


This hidden parameter is used to include additional metadata in the saved image. Similar to the prompt parameter, it is managed internally and does not require manual input.

Save Image With Prompt Data Output Parameters:

This node does not produce any direct output parameters. Instead, it performs the action of saving the image based on the specified conditions and parameters.

Save Image With Prompt Data Usage Tips:

  • Ensure that the save_condition parameter is set to 1 if you want the image to be saved. This is the key condition that triggers the saving process.
  • Use the filename_prefix parameter to organize your saved images effectively. For example, you can include project names, dates, or other identifiers in the prefix.
  • Leverage the prompt and extra_pnginfo parameters to include valuable metadata in your saved images. This can help in tracking the settings used for image generation and reproducing results in the future.

Save Image With Prompt Data Common Errors and Solutions:

Image not saved despite setting save_condition to 1

  • Explanation: This issue may occur if the save_condition parameter is not correctly set to 1. - Solution: Double-check that the save_condition parameter is explicitly set to 1. Ensure there are no typos or incorrect values.

Filename prefix not applied correctly

  • Explanation: This can happen if the filename_prefix parameter is not set or is set incorrectly.
  • Solution: Verify that the filename_prefix parameter is provided and correctly formatted. Ensure it is a valid string without any unsupported characters.

Metadata not included in saved image

  • Explanation: This issue may arise if the prompt or extra_pnginfo parameters are not correctly handled.
  • Solution: Ensure that the prompt and extra_pnginfo parameters are correctly set and managed within the node. These parameters are typically handled internally, so ensure the node's internal logic is functioning as expected.

Save Image With Prompt Data Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
Mikey Nodes

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