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ComfyUI Node: Create Morph Image from Path

Class Name

Create Morph Image from Path

WAS Suite/Animation
WASasquatch (Account age: 4688 days)
WAS Node Suite
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Install this extension via the ComfyUI Manager by searching for  WAS Node Suite
  • 1. Click the Manager button in the main menu
  • 2. Select Custom Nodes Manager button
  • 3. Enter WAS Node Suite in the search bar
After installation, click the  Restart button to restart ComfyUI. Then, manually refresh your browser to clear the cache and access the updated list of nodes.

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Create Morph Image from Path Description

Generate smooth image morphing animations between two images for dynamic visual effects, simplifying complex tasks for AI artists.

Create Morph Image from Path:

The "Create Morph Image from Path" node is designed to generate a morphing animation between two images, creating a smooth transition effect. This node is particularly useful for AI artists who want to create dynamic visual effects by blending one image into another over a series of frames. The morphing process involves calculating intermediate frames that gradually transform the first image into the second, resulting in a seamless animation. This node simplifies the complex task of image morphing, making it accessible to users without requiring deep technical knowledge. By adjusting various parameters, you can control the number of transition frames, the duration of each frame, and the overall looping behavior of the animation, allowing for a high degree of customization to suit your artistic needs.

Create Morph Image from Path Input Parameters:


This parameter determines the number of intermediate frames generated between the two images during the morphing process. A higher number of transition frames results in a smoother transition but increases the file size and processing time. The minimum value is 2, and the maximum value is 60, with a default value of 10.


This parameter sets the delay in milliseconds for how long the initial and final images are displayed before and after the transition sequence. This can be useful for emphasizing the start and end points of the morphing animation. The default value is 2500 milliseconds.


This parameter specifies the duration in milliseconds for each transition frame. It controls the speed of the morphing animation, with shorter durations resulting in a faster transition. The minimum value is 0.1 milliseconds, and the maximum value is 60000 milliseconds, with a default value of 0.1 milliseconds.


This parameter defines the number of times the morphing animation will loop. A value of 0 means the animation will loop indefinitely. This can be useful for creating continuous animations for presentations or web use. The default value is 0.


This parameter sets the maximum size (in pixels) for the width or height of the output images. It ensures that the generated GIF does not exceed a specified size, which can be important for managing file sizes and ensuring compatibility with various display devices. The default value is 512 pixels.


This parameter specifies the directory path where the input images are located. It allows the node to locate and read the images that will be used for the morphing process. The default path is "./ComfyUI/output".


This parameter defines the pattern used to match the input image files in the specified directory. It allows for flexible selection of images based on naming conventions or file types. The default pattern is "*".


This parameter specifies the directory path where the output GIF will be saved. It ensures that the generated animation is stored in the desired location for easy access and further use. The default path is "./ComfyUI/output".


This parameter sets the name of the output GIF file. It allows you to customize the file name to suit your organizational preferences or project naming conventions. The default filename is "morph".


This parameter specifies the format of the output file. While the default and most common format is "GIF", this parameter allows for future flexibility in supporting other file types if needed. The default value is "GIF".

Create Morph Image from Path Output Parameters:


This output parameter returns the original input images used in the morphing process. It allows you to retain access to the source images for further processing or reference.


This output parameter provides the file path to the generated morphing GIF. It allows you to easily locate and use the resulting animation in your projects.


This output parameter returns the name of the generated GIF file. It ensures that you have a reference to the specific file name used for the output, which can be useful for documentation or further processing.

Create Morph Image from Path Usage Tips:

  • To achieve a smoother transition, increase the transition_frames parameter, but be mindful of the increased processing time and file size.
  • Use the still_image_delay_ms parameter to emphasize the start and end points of your morphing animation, making the transition more visually impactful.
  • Adjust the duration_ms parameter to control the speed of the animation. Shorter durations result in faster transitions, while longer durations create a slower, more gradual effect.
  • Set the loops parameter to 0 for continuous looping animations, which can be useful for presentations or web displays.

Create Morph Image from Path Common Errors and Solutions:

Unable to save output to <output_file> due to the following error:

  • Explanation: This error occurs when the node is unable to write the generated GIF to the specified output path, possibly due to permission issues or an invalid path.
  • Solution: Ensure that the output path is correct and that you have the necessary write permissions. Verify that the directory exists and is accessible.

Invalid operation <operation> for morphology. Must be one of 'erode', 'dilate', 'open', 'close', 'gradient', 'tophat', 'bottomhat'

  • Explanation: This error occurs when an invalid morphological operation is specified.
  • Solution: Check the operation parameter and ensure it is one of the valid options: 'erode', 'dilate', 'open', 'close', 'gradient', 'tophat', 'bottomhat'.

Unable to generate GIF due to the following error:

  • Explanation: This error occurs when there is an issue during the GIF creation process, such as an invalid image format or a problem with the imageio library.
  • Solution: Verify that the input images are in a supported format and that the imageio library is correctly installed. Check the console for additional error details and address any specific issues mentioned.

Create Morph Image from Path Related Nodes

Go back to the extension to check out more related nodes.
WAS Node Suite

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